Getaway Goddess - Singapore Serenity Willkommen zu Ihrer Singapore Serenity Tour. Bei Ihrer Ankunft begrüßt Sie Ihr Cox und Kings Vertreter am vorgesehenen Treffpunkt und bringt Sie zu Ihrem Hotel (Check-in nach 1500 Stunden). Genießen Sie indisches Mittagessen in einem lokalen Restaurant. Später fahren Sie auf einer Kreuzfahrt auf Singapore River an Bord eines Bumboat. Die Bumboats waren von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Fahren von Handelsaktivitäten auf dem Singapore River seit über hundertfünfzig Jahren, während sie Ladung von einem Bestimmungsort zum folgenden transportierten. Jahre sind vergangen und Singapur bewahrt die guten alten Tage. Genießen Sie die Aussicht auf berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Singapur und eine schöne Landschaft der Uferpromenade auf der Bumboat Cruise. Abend frei, um diese pulsierende Stadt auf eigene Faust zu erkunden. Übernachtung in Singapur Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt durch Bumboat Genießen Sie Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt an Bord eines Bumboats. Die Bumboats waren von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Fahren von Handelsaktivitäten auf dem Singapore River seit über hundertfünfzig Jahren, während sie Ladung von einem Bestimmungsort zum folgenden transportierten. Jahre sind vergangen und Singapur bewahrt die guten alten Tage. Genießen Sie die Aussicht auf berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Singapur und eine schöne Landschaft der Uferpromenade auf der Bumboat Cruise. Jurong Vogelpark Genießen Sie Jurong Vogelpark, sehen Sie Phasenerscheinen der Vögel und der Vögel der verschiedenen Spezies Besuchen Sie Singapur-Zoo, rangiert als Asia39s bester Zoo. Sehen Sie seltene Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum Gärten durch die Bucht Besuch-Gärten durch die Bucht, einer der Top 10 preisgekrönten Gärten der Welt Erforschen Sie verschiedenes Pflanzenleben und Blumen von um die Welt, die in seinem spektakulären gekühlten Konservatorium, der Blumen-Haube angezeigt wird. Sehen Sie sich die schöne Supertree Grove. Panorama Stadtrundfahrt durch Singapur Genießen Sie eine geführte Stadtrundfahrt durch das Rathaus, das Parliament House, das Tower-ähnliche Westin Stamford Hotel und den Mount Faber. Nehmen Sie ein Foto zu stoppen Singapore39s berühmten Symbol - die Merlion und die Esplanade. Besuch zur Sentosa Insel durch Seilbahnfahrt. Bei Sentosa - Fun geschieht die ganze Zeit. Besuchen Sie Madame Tussaud39s Wachsfigurenkabinett und sehen Sie echte Wachsfiguren berühmter Weltführer, Bollywood - und Hollywoodstars, Sportlegenden und berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus der TV - und Musikindustrie. Genießen Sie Spirit of Singapore Boat Ride, und sehen Sie Singapur Attraktionen wie Grand Prix. Die Bilder von Singapur werden Sie begeistern, wo die Geschichte von Singapur mit Schauspielern zum Leben erweckt wird. Besuchen Sie Galerien und interaktive Exponate im Sentosa Nature Discovery Center im Imbiah Lookout. Wir verpassen den Abend mit der faszinierenden Nacht Show am Meer - 39Wings of Time. Fahren Sie auf einer geführten Panorama-Stadtrundfahrt vorbei am Rathaus, dem Parliament House und dem Tower-ähnlichen Westin Stamford Hotel vorbei. Nehmen Sie ein Foto zu stoppen Singapore39s berühmten Symbol - die Merlion und die Esplanade. Besuchen Sie Gardens By The Bay, einer der Top 10 preisgekrönten Gärten der Welt Erkunden Sie das vielfältige Pflanzenleben und Blumen aus der ganzen Welt in seinem spektakulären gekühlten Wintergarten, der Blumenkuppel. Sehen Sie sich die schöne Supertree Grove. Nach dem Mittagessen geht es weiter nach Sentosa Island, wo immer Spaß macht. Besuch Madame Tussaud39s Wachs-Museum und Ansicht real-wie Wachsstatuen der berühmten Weltführer, Bollywood - und Hollywoodstars, Sportlegenden und berühmte Berühmtheiten der Fernseh - und Musikindustrie. Genießen Sie Spirit of Singapore Boat Ride, und sehen Sie Singapur Attraktionen wie Grand Prix. Die Bilder von Singapur werden Sie begeistern, wo die Geschichte von Singapur mit Schauspielern zum Leben erweckt wird. Besuchen Sie Galerien und interaktive Exponate im Sentosa Nature Discovery Center im Imbiah Lookout. Wir verpassen den Abend mit der faszinierenden Nacht Show am Meer - Wings of Time. Zurück zum Hotel. Hinweis: Wenn Flower Dome für Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen ist, besuchen wir Cloud Forest. Sie können sich für 4D Adventure Land, entweder Extreme Log Ride oder Journeys2: The Mysterious Island entscheiden. Übernachtung in Singapur Frühstück im Hotelrestaurant. Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt durch Bumboat Genießen Sie Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt an Bord eines Bumboats. Die Bumboats waren von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Fahren von Handelsaktivitäten auf dem Singapore River seit über hundertfünfzig Jahren, während sie Ladung von einem Bestimmungsort zum folgenden transportierten. Jahre sind vergangen und Singapur bewahrt die guten alten Tage. Genießen Sie die Aussicht auf berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Singapur und eine schöne Landschaft der Uferpromenade auf der Bumboat Cruise. Jurong Vogelpark Genießen Sie Jurong Vogelpark, sehen Sie Phasenerscheinen der Vögel und der Vögel der verschiedenen Spezies Besuchen Sie Singapur-Zoo, rangiert als Asia39s bester Zoo. Sehen Sie seltene Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum Gärten durch die Bucht Besuch-Gärten durch die Bucht, einer der Top 10 preisgekrönten Gärten der Welt Erforschen Sie verschiedenes Pflanzenleben und Blumen von um die Welt, die in seinem spektakulären gekühlten Konservatorium, der Blumen-Haube angezeigt wird. Sehen Sie sich die schöne Supertree Grove. Panorama Stadtrundfahrt durch Singapur Genießen Sie eine geführte Stadtrundfahrt durch das Rathaus, das Parliament House, das Tower-ähnliche Westin Stamford Hotel und den Mount Faber. Nehmen Sie ein Foto zu stoppen Singapore39s berühmten Symbol - die Merlion und die Esplanade. Besuch zur Sentosa Insel durch Seilbahnfahrt. Bei Sentosa - Fun geschieht die ganze Zeit. Besuchen Sie Madame Tussaud39s Wachsfigurenkabinett und sehen Sie echte Wachsfiguren berühmter Weltführer, Bollywood - und Hollywoodstars, Sportlegenden und berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus der TV - und Musikindustrie. Genießen Sie Spirit of Singapore Boat Ride, und sehen Sie Singapur Attraktionen wie Grand Prix. Die Bilder von Singapur werden Sie begeistern, wo die Geschichte von Singapur mit Schauspielern zum Leben erweckt wird. Besuchen Sie Galerien und interaktive Exponate im Sentosa Nature Discovery Center im Imbiah Lookout. Wir verpassen den Abend mit der faszinierenden Nacht Show am Meer - 39Wings of Time. Der Tag ist zur freien Verfügung, um diese wunderbare Stadt auf eigene Faust zu erkunden, oder entscheiden Sie sich für den ganzen Tag Universal Studios und SEA Aquarium. Es ist nur bei Universal Studios, dass Sie innovative Fahrgeschäfte und Attraktionen auf der Grundlage Ihrer Lieblings-Blockbuster Filme und TV-Serien erleben können. Seien Sie geblendet und begeistert vom Entertainment-Erlebnis, das die Leinwand zum Leben erweckt. Bei S. E.A. Aquarium, können Sie beobachten Haie, Stachelrochen, Oktopus und Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen aus der ganzen Welt Nach einem aufregenden Tag, gehen Sie zurück zum Hotel. Übernachtung in Singapur Frühstück im Hotelrestaurant. Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt durch Bumboat Genießen Sie Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt an Bord eines Bumboats. Die Bumboats waren von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Fahren von Handelsaktivitäten auf dem Singapore River seit über hundertfünfzig Jahren, während sie Ladung von einem Bestimmungsort zum folgenden transportierten. Jahre sind vergangen und Singapur bewahrt die guten alten Tage. Genießen Sie die Aussicht auf berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Singapur und eine schöne Landschaft der Uferpromenade auf der Bumboat Cruise. Jurong Vogelpark Genießen Sie Jurong Vogelpark, sehen Sie Phasenerscheinen der Vögel und der Vögel der verschiedenen Spezies Besuchen Sie Singapur-Zoo, rangiert als Asia39s bester Zoo. Sehen Sie seltene Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum Gärten durch die Bucht Besuch-Gärten durch die Bucht, einer der Top 10 preisgekrönten Gärten der Welt Erforschen Sie verschiedenes Pflanzenleben und Blumen von um die Welt, die in seinem spektakulären gekühlten Konservatorium, der Blumen-Haube angezeigt wird. Sehen Sie sich die schöne Supertree Grove. Panorama Stadtrundfahrt durch Singapur Genießen Sie eine geführte Stadtrundfahrt durch das Rathaus, das Parliament House, das Tower-ähnliche Westin Stamford Hotel und den Mount Faber. Nehmen Sie ein Foto zu stoppen Singapore39s berühmten Symbol - die Merlion und die Esplanade. Besuch zur Sentosa Insel durch Seilbahnfahrt. Bei Sentosa - Fun geschieht die ganze Zeit. Besuchen Sie Madame Tussaud39s Wachsfigurenkabinett und sehen Sie echte Wachsfiguren berühmter Weltführer, Bollywood - und Hollywoodstars, Sportlegenden und berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus der TV - und Musikindustrie. Genießen Sie Spirit of Singapore Boat Ride, und sehen Sie Singapur Attraktionen wie Grand Prix. Die Bilder von Singapur werden Sie begeistern, wo die Geschichte von Singapur mit Schauspielern zum Leben erweckt wird. Besuchen Sie Galerien und interaktive Exponate im Sentosa Nature Discovery Center im Imbiah Lookout. Wir verpassen den Abend mit der faszinierenden Nacht Show am Meer - 39Wings of Time. Willkommen bei Ihrer Safari Tour. Bei Ihrer Ankunft begrüßt Sie Ihr Cox und Kings Vertreter am vorgesehenen Treffpunkt und bringt Sie zu Ihrem Hotel (Check-in nach 1500 Stunden). Genießen Sie indisches Mittagessen in einem lokalen Restaurant. Später weiter auf einer Kreuzfahrt auf Singapore River an Bord eines quotBumboatquot. Die Bumboats waren von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Fahren von Handelsaktivitäten auf dem Singapore River seit über hundertfünfzig Jahren, als sie Ladung von einem Bestimmungsort zum folgenden transportierten. Jahre sind vergangen und Singapur bewahrt die guten alten Tage. Genießen Sie die Aussicht auf berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Singapur und eine schöne Landschaft der Uferpromenade auf der Bumboat Cruise. Abend frei, um diese pulsierende Stadt auf eigene Faust zu erkunden. Übernachtung in Singapur Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Fahren Sie auf einer geführten Panorama-Stadtrundfahrt vorbei am Rathaus, dem Parliament House und dem Tower-ähnlichen Westin Stamford Hotel vorbei. Nehmen Sie ein Foto zu stoppen Singapore39s berühmten Symbol - die Merlion und die Esplanade. Besuchen Sie Gardens By The Bay, einer der Top 10 preisgekrönten Gärten der Welt Erkunden Sie das vielfältige Pflanzenleben und Blumen aus der ganzen Welt in seinem spektakulären gekühlten Wintergarten, der Blumenkuppel. Sehen Sie sich die schöne Supertree Grove. Nach dem Mittagessen geht es weiter nach Sentosa Island. Besuchen Sie das Madame Tussaud39s Wachsmuseum und sehen Sie echte Wachsfiguren berühmter Weltführer, Bollywood - und Hollywoodstars, Sportlegenden und berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus der TV - und Musikbranche. Genießen Sie Spirit of Singapore Boat Ride, und sehen Sie Singapur Attraktionen wie Grand Prix. Die Bilder von Singapur werden Sie begeistern, wo die Geschichte von Singapur mit Schauspielern zum Leben erweckt wird. Besuchen Sie Galerien und interaktive Exponate im Sentosa Nature Discovery Center im Imbiah Lookout. Wir verbringen den Abend mit der faszinierenden Nacht - Show durch das Meer - die Flügel von Timequot. Zurück zum Hotel. Hinweis: Wenn Flower Dome für Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen ist, besuchen wir Cloud Forest. Sie können sich für 4D Adventure Land, entweder Extreme Log Ride oder Journeys2: The Mysterious Island entscheiden. Übernachtung in Singapur Frühstück im Hotelrestaurant. Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Gehen Sie zum Jurong Vogelpark, sehen Sie Phasenerscheinen der Vögel der verschiedenen Sorten Besuchen Sie auch Singapur-Zoo, rangiert als Asia39s bester Zoo. Beobachten Sie seltene Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum Zurück zum Hotel. Übernachtung in Singapur Frühstück im Hotelrestaurant. Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Der Tag ist zur freien Verfügung, um diese wunderbare Stadt auf eigene Faust zu erkunden, oder entscheiden Sie sich für den ganzen Tag Universal Studios und SEA Aquarium. Es ist nur bei Universal Studios, dass Sie innovative Fahrgeschäfte und Attraktionen auf der Grundlage Ihrer Lieblings-Blockbuster Filme und TV-Serien erleben können. Seien Sie geblendet und begeistert vom Entertainment-Erlebnis, das die Leinwand zum Leben erweckt. Bei S. E.A. Aquarium, können Sie beobachten Haie, Stachelrochen, Oktopus und Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen aus der ganzen Welt Nach einem aufregenden Tag, gehen Sie zurück zum Hotel. Übernachtung in Singapur Frühstück im Hotelrestaurant. Mittagessen und Abendessen in einem indischen Restaurant. Gute Zeiten brauchen nie enden Wie Sie bereit für den Flughafen und Ihren Flug nach Hause, erleben Sie die Höhepunkte Ihrer quotCox Kings Singapur Serenityquot Tour. Wir hoffen jedoch, dass sie bei Ihrer Reiseplanung weiterhilft. Bitte geben Sie uns Ihre wertvollen Anregungen zu feedbackcoxandkings. Frühstück im Hotelrestaurant. Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt durch Bumboat Genießen Sie Singapur-Fluss-Kreuzfahrt an Bord eines Bumboats. Die Bumboats waren von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Fahren von Handelsaktivitäten auf dem Singapore River seit über hundertfünfzig Jahren, als sie Ladung von einem Bestimmungsort zum folgenden transportierten. Jahre sind vergangen und Singapur bewahrt die guten alten Tage. Genießen Sie die Aussicht auf berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Singapur und eine schöne Landschaft der Uferpromenade auf der Bumboat Cruise. Jurong Vogelpark Genießen Sie Jurong Vogelpark, sehen Sie Phasenerscheinen der Vögel und der Vögel der verschiedenen Spezies Besuchen Sie Singapur-Zoo, rangiert als Asia39s bester Zoo. Sehen Sie seltene Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum Gärten durch die Bucht Besuch-Gärten durch die Bucht, einer der Top 10 preisgekrönten Gärten der Welt Erforschen Sie verschiedenes Pflanzenleben und Blumen von um die Welt, die in seinem spektakulären gekühlten Konservatorium, der Blumen-Haube angezeigt wird. Sehen Sie sich die schöne Supertree Grove. Panorama Stadtrundfahrt durch Singapur Genießen Sie eine geführte Stadtrundfahrt durch das Rathaus, das Parliament House, das Tower-ähnliche Westin Stamford Hotel und den Mount Faber. Nehmen Sie ein Foto zu stoppen Singapore39s berühmten Symbol - die Merlion und die Esplanade. Besuch zur Sentosa Insel durch Seilbahnfahrt. Bei Sentosa - Fun geschieht die ganze Zeit. Besuchen Sie Madame Tussaud39s Wachsfigurenkabinett und sehen Sie echte Wachsfiguren berühmter Weltführer, Bollywood - und Hollywoodstars, Sportlegenden und berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus der TV - und Musikindustrie. Genießen Sie Spirit of Singapore Boat Ride, und sehen Sie Singapur Attraktionen wie Grand Prix. Die Bilder von Singapur werden Sie begeistern, wo die Geschichte von Singapur mit Schauspielern zum Leben erweckt wird. Besuchen Sie Galerien und interaktive Exponate im Sentosa Nature Discovery Center im Imbiah Lookout. Wir verpassen den Abend mit der faszinierenden Nacht Show am Meer - 39Wings of Time. Die Kosten Ihrer Rundreise Economy Class Airfare. (Berechnet am 01.08.2016) Flug - / Flughafensteuern. Unterkunft in den genannten Hotels oder ähnlich. Kosten der Reiseversicherung gültig für die Dauer der Tour für Passagiere bis zum Alter von 60 Jahren. (Versicherungssumme USD 50.000 / - gültig für die Dauer der Tour). Visumgebühren für Singapur gültig für die Dauer der Tour. Dienst von Cox Kings Tour Manager. (Vorausgesetzt, es gibt über 20 erwachsene Passagiere auf der Reise oder lokalen Vertreter.) Mahlzeiten wie in der Reiseroute erwähnt. Bustransfers, Eintrittsgelder, Ausflüge, Besichtigungstouren und Oberflächentransport wie im Reiseverlauf erwähnt. Tipps für Fahrer und Führer Optionale Add-On Touren, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Kosten von USD 10.0000, die von der Reserve Bank of India im Rahmen der Basis-Reisequotenregelung vergeben wurden / Jegliche Erhöhung der von der Fluggesellschaft für Flugscheine erhobenen Steuern / Flugsteuern (derzeit berechnet am 01. Oktober 20165 Fluggesellschaft und Hotelzuschlag (falls zutreffend) Hoch / Festsaison / Messen extra bezahlt pro Person Kosten der Verlängerung der Gültigkeit oder Abweichung Ihres Flugtickets Jede Erhöhung des Kurses von USD führt zu einem Anstieg der Tourkosten, die vor dem Abflug wirksam werden Gepäckaufbewahrung in Hotels, Appartements, Flughäfen und Seehäfen, Trinkgelder, Wäsche, Weine, Mineralwasser, Telefongebühren, alle persönlichen Dinge und auch Speisen und Getränke, die nicht Teil der Reisegruppen sind Menü, das nicht ausdrücklich im Abschnitt "Was Ihr Tourpreis inbegriffen" enthalten ist. Ein zusätzlicher Betrag von INR 1.500 ist obligatorisch bezahlt werden im Wege der Sicherung Ihres Buchungsbetrages. Gebühr für Gepäck von der operativen Airline für die überschüssige Check-in Gepäck Govt berechnet. Service Tax 4.50 auf Bruttobetrag, gültig ab 1. Juni 2016. WO SIE BUCHEN Sie können unsere Cox amp Kings GETAWAY GODDESS Feiertage buchen und alle Zahlungen an uns sowohl Online - als auch Offline-Modi oder durch eine Kombination durch unsere Büros, Franchisenehmer, Agenten, Ihre eigenen Reisebüro, Call Center, Website usw. ZULASSUNG Diejenigen, die die von der Reserve Bank of India festgelegten Bedingungen und die Devisengesetze in Indien erfüllen, sollten einen gültigen Reisepass mit einer Gültigkeit von mindestens sechs Monaten ab Datum der Rückreise haben Von der Tour und haben die notwendigen Visum, Reiseversicherung, Krankenversicherung und jegliche medizinische Impfungen, wie anwendbar. VISA ADVANCE Basierend auf der gewählten Tour-Option müssen Sie Ihr Visum vor der Abreise erhalten. Visakosten werden von Ihrem Vertriebsmitarbeiter empfohlen. Ihre Visa-Kosten beinhalten, Dokumentationsgebühren, Verwaltungsgebühren und möglicherweise auch nicht die Visagebühren. Die Visumgebühr beinhaltet keine zusätzlichen Gebühren wie Kuriergebühren, dringende Gebühren des Konsulats und alle anderen Gebühren / Preise, die ausdrücklich erwähnt werden, wie in den Visagebühren enthalten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass, wenn Sie fliegen, können Sie durch verschiedene Länder, für die es können Änderungen in Visa-Anforderungen wie Mehrfach-Einreisevisum oder ein Transitvisum. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung / Haftung, die Ausstellung des notwendigen Visums sicherzustellen. Da die Erteilung oder Ablehnung von Visa das alleinige Vorrecht der betroffenen souveränen Regierungen ist, garantiert Cox amp Kings keine Garantie für die Ausstellung von Visa. Cox amp Kings ist nur ein Moderator. BALANCE-ZAHLUNGSRECHNUNGEN / SERVICE-GUTSCHEINE Für die 39GETAWAY GODDESS39 werden alle Leistungen gemäß den angegebenen / bestätigten und bezahlten Leistungen gemäß den Rechnungen und Service-Gutscheinen verwendet. Ein Service-Voucher ist die schriftliche Bestätigung Ihrer Tour und berechtigt Sie, auf der Tour zu reisen und muss Ihnen vom Service Provider am ersten Tag der Tour präsentiert werden. Keine Leistungen werden erbracht, wenn der Service-Gutschein im Original nicht in Ihrem Besitz ist. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung, den Service Voucher sorgfältig zu prüfen und den betroffenen Vorstand bei Cox amp Kings Vertriebsbüro oder Franchisenehmer oder Preferred Agent oder Ihr Reisebüro im Falle eines Fehlers sofort zu informieren. Wichtige Notrufnummern sind auf den Service-Vouchern und / oder dem Informationsbrief aufgedruckt. Bitte beachten Sie den Buchungsbetrag und die Zahlungsgebühr. Sobald Sie die Restzahlung in voller Höhe vorgenommen haben, erhalten Sie die Service-Gutscheine mit Ihren Flugtickets, ggf. ca. 7 Tage vor dem Abreisedatum, sofern Sie sich an den Zeitplan der Dokumentation halten. REISEDOKUMENTE Es liegt in Ihrer eigenen Verantwortung, gültige Reiseunterlagen, einschließlich Flugtickets, Service-Voucher und Ihren Pass auf der Tour mit allen erforderlichen Visa - und Einwanderungsbestätigungen (falls zutreffend), bestätigten Flugtickets, Dokumenten, die eine Versicherung zur Deckung des Risikos bestätigen, zu führen und durchzuführen Des Lebens, des Gliedes und des Eigentums während der gesamten Dauer der Tour, medizinische Freigaben, Impf - / Impfbescheinigungen, je nachdem, um in der Lage zu sein, so zu reisen wie auf der Tourroute. Die Kosten für die Bearbeitung der oben genannten Dokumente sind nicht im Reisepreis enthalten. Wir würden nicht verantwortlich für irgendwelche Fehler, die auf dem gestempelten Visum durch das Konsulat / die Botschaft hinsichtlich der Namen, der Befestigung der falschen Fotographien, der falschen Paßzahl, der Dauer und der Art des Visums (einzeln / mehrfach) auftreten können. Wir haften nicht für den Verlust Ihrer Dokumente, die uns von der Botschaft / dem Konsulat durch Dritte zurückgesandt werden, und auch nicht, wenn Ihre Dokumente verloren gehen, verlegt oder verspätet sind, wenn sie durch eine Kurierfirma von einem Büro in ein anderes gesendet werden Vom Büro zur Botschaft / Konsulat / Reisebüro / Visa Agent und zurück. Im Falle eines solchen Verlustes, würden wir in besten Anstrengungen, um die verlorenen Dokumente abzurufen. Wenn jedoch die verloren gegangenen Dokumente nicht abgerufen werden können, würden wir bei der Erlangung von doppelten Kopien oder beglaubigten Kopien dieser Dokumente von den betroffenen Behörden Hilfe leisten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass, wenn Sie fliegen, können Sie durch verschiedene Länder, für die es können Änderungen in Visa-Anforderungen wie Mehrfach-Einreisevisum oder ein Transitvisum. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung / Haftung, die Ausstellung des notwendigen Visums sicherzustellen. VISA Sie müssen sicherstellen, dass Sie den passenden Reisepass haben, der mindestens sechs Monate ab dem Datum der Rückreise gültig ist. Für Gäste, die nach Malaysia reisen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die Mindestgültigkeit des Passes mindestens 9 Monate nach Ihrer Rückkehr nach Indien beträgt. Darüber hinaus müssen Sie das entsprechende Visum für die Tour gehen. Wir bieten Ihnen Visagebühren an, für die wir Sie berechnen. Diese Gebühren können die tatsächliche Visagebühr und die angefallenen Kosten beinhalten oder auch nicht enthalten, beinhalten jedoch unsere Servicegebühr. Allerdings schließt es keine zusätzlichen Gebühren wie Kurier-Gebühren, dringende Gebühren durch das Konsulat. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Visum für Großbritannien und die USA direkt bei Ihnen angefordert werden müssen. Wir können Ihnen jedoch bei der Vorbereitung und Einreichung des Visumantrags auf der Grundlage der von Ihnen bereitgestellten Dokumente behilflich sein. Auch wenn Ihr Visum abgelehnt wird oder Sie Ihr Visum später als das Abreisedatum erhalten, sind Sie verpflichtet, die anfallenden Gebühren zu bezahlen. Wenn Sie bereits ein Visum besitzen oder das Visum selber machen möchten, sind Sie nur für die Erstattung der tatsächlichen Visumkosten berechtigt. Der Teil der Entgelte, der auf unsere Servicegebühren entfällt, muss noch von Ihnen getragen werden. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung, uns unverzüglich alle Dokumente, die für die Beantragung Ihres Visums erforderlich sind, spätestens 90 Tage vor dem Abreisedatum zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung, das Visumantragsformular ordnungsgemäß auszufüllen. Tatsächlich wäre es im derzeitigen Szenario viel umsichtiger, alle Unterlagen mindestens vier Monate vor dem Abreisedatum einzureichen. Angesichts der Sicherheitsbedenken und der vorsichtigen Vorgehensweise von Botschaften und Konsulaten kann die Visumverarbeitung sehr lange dauern. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir verspätet eingereichte Dokumente entgegennehmen oder akzeptieren können. Wir sind jedoch nicht verantwortlich oder für die Ablehnung oder den Nichteintritt von Visa aufgrund unzureichender oder verspäteter Einreichungen verantwortlich. Sie sind verpflichtet, nur echte und gültige Unterlagen zu liefern. Die Erteilung / Ablehnung von Visa ist das alleinige Ermessen der Botschaft / des Konsulats. Wir fungieren nur als Vermittler für die Erlangung von Visa. Sie können auf Ihre Kosten erforderlich sein, persönlich erscheinen, bevor die Botschaft / Konsulat für jedes Interview (s) / Bereitstellung von Biometrie. Die Gesellschaft haftet unter keinen Umständen für die Ablehnung des Visums und für sonstige Neben - oder Folgeschäden, Schäden, Kosten oder Ausgaben usw.. Ausdrücklich zu den vorgenannten Bedingungen haben Sie sich an die Gesellschaft für die Visumerlangung gewandt. Wir haften nicht für irgendwelche kirchlichen Fehler, die von der betreffenden Botschaft / dem Konsulat in Bezug auf den Namen, die Anbringung falscher Fotos, die Dauer und die Art des Visums (einfache / mehrfache Einreise) oder Passnummer usw. gemacht wurden Dienstleistungen von namhaften Kurierunternehmen für die Übermittlung von Pässen an die Botschaften / Konsulate und an unsere Kunden in verschiedenen Städten. Wir haften nicht für Verluste oder Schäden, die direkt oder indirekt, zufällig oder Folgeschäden aufgrund von Übertragungsverzögerungen oder Verlust von Pass oder Unterlagen im Rahmen der Übermittlung von Dokumenten durch uns an die Botschaft oder an Sie oder den Kurs entstehen Der Übermittlung von Dokumenten durch die Botschaft / das Konsulat an uns. Wir sind jedoch bestrebt, Ihre Dokumente zu verfolgen oder Ihnen bei der Erlangung alternativer / beglaubigter Kopien der verlorenen Dokumente behilflich zu sein. Wenn Sie nicht auf der ursprünglich von Ihnen gebuchten Tour reisen können, weil Sie entweder Ihr Visum nicht rechtzeitig erhalten oder aufgrund eines Fehlers des Teils der Botschaft / des Konsulats oder eines falschen Visums für Sie ausgestellt wurden, haben Sie die Wahl Ihre Reise zu irgendeinem anderen zukünftigen Datum zu verschieben oder Ihre Tour zu einer anderen Tour zu übertragen, und in diesem Fall gilt zusätzlich zu den Stornierungsgebühren die Änderungsgebühr für die gleiche. Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass, wenn die Ablehnung des Visums von der Botschaft / dem Konsulat innerhalb der im Abschnitt STORNIERUNG DER RESERVIERUNG erwähnten Widerrufsfrist angekündigt wird, die in diesem Abschnitt enthaltenen Stornierungsgebühren gelten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Stornierung zum Zeitpunkt der Einsendung der Visa-Ablehnung vom Konsulat / der Botschaft für die Zwecke der Feststellung der geltenden Stornierungsgebühren gilt. Sollten Sie sich nach der Visa-Ablehnung erneut bewerben, müssen Sie dies auf eigene Gefahr und Kosten tun. Wenn das Visum ein zweites Mal abgelehnt wird, gelten die geltenden Streichungssätze am Tag des Eingangs der Unterrichtung über die Ablehnung des zweiten Visumsantrags, so dass die Gebühren viel höher liegen als die Sätze, die bei der ersten Ablehnung gelten würden. Sollten wir vom Konsulat / der Botschaft keine Ansprache erhalten, bevor Sie den Visumantrag akzeptieren oder ablehnen, gelten die höchsten Stornierungsgebühren. Es wird deutlich, dass die Stornokosten zusätzlich zur Beibehaltung von Visagebühren gelten. In solch einer Situation erleidet die Gesellschaft Verluste, weil, manchmal, Annullierung zu einer Zeit des Feiertagsansturms wie Messen, spezielle Fälle gebildet wird. Und die Anbieter wie Hotels, Kreuzfahrten, Fluggesellschaften etc. haben 100 Stornogebühren. Unter diesen Umständen erklären Sie sich einverstanden, gesetzlich nicht gegen uns vorzugehen, es sei denn, es liegt ein offensichtlicher Fehler vor. OVERSEAS TRAVEL VERSICHERUNG TRAWELLTAG COVER-MEHR UNTERSTÜTZUNG UND VERSICHERUNG Ihre Reiseversicherung, die von United India Insurance Co. Ltd. unterzeichnet wird, ist ein Zusatznutzen, der von TrawellTag Cover-More zusammen mit seinen Hilfs - und Zusatzprodukten zur Verfügung gestellt wird (Ohne Ad-hoc-Gruppenreisen, Drittprodukte und Individualtouren), die berechtigt sind, während der Dauer der Tour eine Reiseversicherung abzuschließen. Eine zusätzliche Gebühr ist zahlbar, falls Sie die Dauer Ihrer Tour verlängern möchten. Die Abdeckung ist für alle Passagiere nur bis 70 Jahre alt. Alle Passagiere, die übersee und über dem Alter von 70 Jahren reisen, sollten die erforderlichen medizinischen Prüfungen durchlaufen, die die Versicherungsgesellschaft eine Reiseversicherung mit einer vom Passagier bezahlten zusätzlichen Prämie ausstellt. Wir haften nicht für Konsequenzen, die sich aus einer vorbestehenden medizinischen Bedingung für die Teilnahme am Abenteuersport ergeben, auch wenn Sie sich für einen zusätzlichen Abenteuersport entschieden haben. Es ist zu beachten, dass vorhandene Krankheiten nicht unter diese Versicherung gedeckt sind. Bitte beachten Sie, dass im Falle des Todes des / der Touristen alle Vorkehrungen für den Transport der Toten, einschließlich der Beschaffung der Sterbeurkunde, Postmortem, Wiederpatriierung der Leiche und aller persönlichen Effekte / Sach - und Versicherungsansprüche usw Wird durch Begleitung von relativen und / oder begleitenden bekannten Bekannten des Verstorbenen vorgenommen. Die Gesellschaft ist nicht verantwortlich für die Verlängerung jeglicher Hilfe für die gleiche. Die gesamten Kosten gehen zu Lasten der Begleitpersonen bzw. Begleitpersonen des Touristen. Die Gesellschaft oder jeder Reiseleiter ist nicht verantwortlich für dasselbe. Falls einer der Verwandten das Land, in dem der Tourist abgelaufen ist, besuchen möchte, so werden alle notwendigen Vorkehrungen nur von den Verwandten auf seine Kosten getroffen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie ein direktes Vertragsverhältnis zur Versicherungsgesellschaft haben und wir sind in keiner Weise für die Entscheidungen der Versicherungsgesellschaft verantwortlich. Sie sind verpflichtet, Ihre Versicherungsgesellschaft direkt einzureichen. Die Versicherungsgesellschaft bezahlt direkt die Abrechnungsbeträge und etwaige Streitigkeiten über die Ablehnung oder die Angemessenheit des Abrechnungsbetrags werden von Ihnen direkt bei der Versicherungsgesellschaft bezahlt. Detaillierte Informationen zu den Risikofaktoren finden Sie in den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. AUSLÄNDISCHER AUSTAUSCH Ihre Devisenanforderungen haben zwei Komponenten, nämlich: 1. Reisekosten 2. Persönliche Forex Gemäß den vorliegenden RBI-Bestimmungen sind alle in Indien ansässigen Indianer, die indische Pässe, die im Ausland reisen, bei einem privaten Besuch mit Ausnahme von Nepal und Bhutan, berechtigt, Einen Gesamtbetrag von höchstens 250 000 USD in einem Geschäftsjahr, unabhängig von der Anzahl der im Laufe des Jahres durchgeführten Besuche. Diese Grenze wurde mit Wirkung vom 26. Mai 2015 unter die Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) subsumiert. Hat eine Einzelperson bereits im Geschäftsjahr eine Devisenregelung im Rahmen des Liberalised Remittance Scheme in Anspruch genommen, so ist die anwendbare Reisezielgrenze für diese Person zu berücksichtigen Würde von 250.000 Dollar um den Betrag so genutzt werden reduziert. Von der Gesamtbörse (USD 250.000), die an einen Reisenden verkauft wird, kann ein Umtausch in Form von Fremdwährungsscheinen oder Münzen wie folgt verkauft werden: Nicht mehr als 3000 USD oder gleichwertig für Reisende, die in andere Länder als den Irak, Libyen, Der Republik Iran, der Russischen Föderation und anderen Republiken der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten Für Reisende, die nach Irak oder Libyen fahren, höchstens 5000 USD oder gleichwertig. Für Reisende, die in die islamische Republik Iran, in die Russische Föderation und in andere Republiken der Unabhängigen Staaten einreisen, und für Reisende, die nach der Haj / Umrah - Pilgerfahrt fahren, kann ein vollständiger Austausch freigegeben werden Indien. Hinweis: Die oben aufgeführten Spezifikationen können sich nach den geltenden Vorschriften ändern. Zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung, bestätigen Sie freundlich mit Ihrem Buchhalter / Büro / Franchisenehmer über diese Quote. IHRE TOURKOSTEN Sie zahlen den gesamten Tourbetrag in Indian Rupees an Cox amp Kings Limited zugunsten der Cox amp Kings Limited zusammen mit ordnungsgemäß ausgefüllten und unterschriebenen LRS-Formular und anderen Unterlagen unter DOCUMENTATION Abschnitt zur Freigabe der Devisen in Richtung der Kosten der Tour . Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt DOKUMENTATION für Dokumente, die nach den KYC-Normen der Reserve Bank of India zur Verfügung gestellt werden müssen. IHR PERSÖNLICHER AUSLÄNDISCHER AUSSENWÄCHTER Sie können während der Reise nach LRS-Anrecht Devisen für Ihre persönlichen Ausgaben erwerben. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, Ihre persönlichen Devisenanforderungen von unserer Foreign Exchange Division zu erwerben. Es ist ratsam, Ihre persönliche Devisen teilweise in Fremdwährungen und teilweise in Pre-paid Cards / Travellers39 Schecks zu tragen. ÄNDERUNGSGEBÜHREN Wenn Sie nach der erstmaligen Buchung der Tour eine Änderung der Leistungen vornehmen möchten, müssen Sie eine schriftliche Anfrage abgeben und eine Bestätigung desselben von unserem Vertriebsbeauftragten erhalten. Die Änderung der Dienstleistungen würde eine Änderung des Bestimmungsortes, eine Änderung des Abfahrtsdatums, eine Ergänzung der Dienste, eine Streichung der Dienste, eine Änderung der Passagierzahl beinhalten. Die Anträge sind abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit und Sie müssten zusätzliche Gebühren für solche Änderungen in Dienstleistungen zu zahlen. Stornierungen gelten, wenn die Änderung der Dienstleistung fällt innerhalb der Kündigungsfrist. Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Im Falle einer Änderung / Stornierung werden alle neuen Vereinbarungen als eine ganz neue Buchung angesehen und unterliegen der Verfügbarkeit, alle Anträge sind zu stellen und dann schriftlich zu bestätigen und die Gesellschaft behält sich das Recht vor, eine Gebühr von Rs.3.000 zu zahlen / - Dienststeuer, sobald eine Änderung oder Ergänzung einer bestätigten Buchung auf Anfrage des Kunden erfolgt. Please note that in case the amendment request is made within the cancellation period, cancellation charges will also apply as if cancellation was effected on the day the request for amendment is made. The cancellation charges will be in addition to the amendment fee. Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. AIRLINE DATE CHANGE AFTER DEPARTURE It is absolutely necessary to have your return air seats to India confirmed prior to your departure from India. If you wish to change the date of your return journey after departure from India, you will have to pay a quotChange in Reservation Feequot if any, directly to the airline, and it will be subject to the availability of seats in the same booking class. Change in reservation fee per person, per sector, per change can range between USD 75 and USD 200 or more per person and we will not be responsible / liable for the same. Terms and Conditions shall apply. AIRLINE CONFIRMATION AND RE-CONFIRMATION In case you are coming back on a later date after the tour ends, it shall be solely your responsibility / liability to re-confirm air tickets 72 hours prior to the departure. TRAVEL NOW PAY LATER Book your Tour on our 39Travel Now Pay Later39 option by paying for your holidays in convenient monthly installments. This is also subject to the lender39s terms and conditions. SAVE NOW TRAVEL LATER (SNTL) SCHEME We may assist you in the quotSNTLquot scheme which is governed by Special Terms. Please liaise with our executive to obtain these Special Terms, which are in addition to these Terms amp Conditions. REFUNDS Refunds (if any) for the amendments and / or cancellations will be paid directly to you without interest by the concerned Cox amp Kings Limited Branch Office / Franchisee / Preferred Agent / Travel Agent through whom you have forwarded your payment to us after deduction of the applicable taxes. It would take at least 60 days for us to refund the money, depending upon the refund policy of Airlines / Suppliers. In case of refunds, the same will be paid in INR only at the prevailing buying rate on the date of refund as per existing statutes, rules and regulations. The decision of the Company as to the quantum of refund shall be final and binding upon you. NO REFUND FOR UNUTILIZED SERVICES It is clearly understood that there shall be no refund or compensation whatsoever for unutilized services. This general rule applies to all kinds of non-utilization or under-utilization of tour services, whether of the whole or part of the tour and whether as a matter of your choice, or caused by your fault or compelled by circumstances such as ill-health, weather, delays, external factors etc. As a consequence of the above rule, please note that no refund will be admissible in the following circumstances (amongst others). (i) If you fail to join the tour at the commencement of the tour or join later or leave before culmination of the tour for any reasons whatsoever. (ii) If you fail to or are unable to utilize any of the services on the tour like airline travel, hotels, sightseeing, rides, cruises, meals, entrance fees, optional tours etc. due to any reason whatsoever such as late reporting, ill-health etc. (iii) If you terminate your participation in the tour due to your own fault, negligence or breach of these Terms. INTERPRETATION As to the interpretation of the foregoing, the decision of Cox amp Kings Limited shall be final and binding upon you. We reserve the right to change these Terms amp Conditions any time without any prior notice and without assigning any reason. JURISDICTION This How to Book Document is solely subject to Mumbai jurisdiction. BOOKING AND ADVANCE We need the passport (in original) of each tour participant to be submitted to us at the time of booking. Please read the Booking Form, Terms amp Conditions, How to Book, Tour Brochure / Itinerary, Offers, Promotions, if applicable which are enclosed. Please complete and sign one Booking Form and Terms and Conditions per party. In cases where tour participants belong to more than one family under a single form, it shall be signed by the head of each family assuming full responsibility for self and others. If the Booking Form is signed by anyone else and not all family heads, it shall be conclusively presumed that the signing persons had the necessary authority given to them by the members of other families to sign on their behalf assuming full responsibility to enter into a binding contract with the Company. Signing of the Booking Form and payment receipt issued for payment made towards the Tour Cost shall be a legally binding contract between the parties. Along with the Booking Form, please enclose the non-refundable interest free advance amount and the visa - advance which unless otherwise provided is as under: Airfare, Visa Fees and Insurance Charges Land Arrangement Advance Payment Note: If there is any Land Arrangements purchased in conjunction with Cruise Vacation, please refer the Table 1 for Land Arrangements payments. Notes for both the above mentioned tables: - The prices quoted are subject to availability at the time of booking and also subject to change. Rate of exchange will be that as on the day of payment. Any additional taxes shall be applicable in addition to the aforesaid payments. The non-refundable advance would be adjusted towards the cost of the tour once the final payment is made. If the tour participant /s cancel the booking after the payment of interest free, non-refundable advance for any reason whatsoever or failure to pay the entire tour cost, the said advance shall stand forfeited. At the time of booking, you need to pay the full amount for your air ticket (inclusive of taxes), visa and insurance. On receipt of the payments into our account, we will start the process of ticket issuance, visa facilitation and insurance and simultaneously book your land arrangements. Please note that air ticket prices are dynamic and are subject to change unless ticketed. Air tickets once issued are governed by amendment and cancellation policy of the respective airlines which may range from Rs.5,000/- and may go up to 100 of the total fare payable. Please visit the Website of the concerned airlines for further details. In case your visa is rejected or you decide not to proceed with your booking, the visa fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, Visa facilitating charges, SMS charges, any urgent fees charged by the Consulate along with our administrative charges are 100 non-refundable. Tours involving Cruises, Coach Tours, and Train Tours, Holiday Homes and / or any other third party product will also involve the payment of the advance required by the third party supplier. This additional advance will be confirmed and collected at the time of booking. Packages booked during trade fairs, events or festivals may call for extra charges and immediate cancellation charges which will be informed before proceeding with the booking. Conditional OR Promotional prices periodically launched may call for full payments with change in Cancellation policy. DOCUMENTATION FOR BOOKING TOURS / BUYING FOREIGN EXCHANGE A. For booking tours / buying foreign exchange for International Travel (other than travel to Nepal and Bhutan), following documentation is required: a. Physically signed booking form by the traveller. B. Physically signed terms and conditions form by the traveller. c. Physically signed LRS cum Form A2 by the traveller Only for international travel d. Signed photocopy of the first 2 pages and last 2 pages of your passport. e. Valid Visa issued by the country of visit. F. Air tickets. G. Cheque / Demand draft has to be in the name of quotCox amp Kings Ltd. quot a. For tour booking, copy of PAN card self attested is mandatorily required for any tour where in total tour cost per booking / booking ID exceeds Rs.2 Lacs. B. For purchase of foreign exchange, copy of PAN card is mandatorily required for purchase of foreign exchange over Rs.50,000/-. C. In case of minor where PAN Card is not available, the PAN Card details of parent / guardian are required. D. You will have to provide a declaration in Form 60 in case you do not have PAN Card. e. Copy of PAN Card / Form 60 is mandatorily required with self attested declaration, if payment of Rs.50,000/- or more is made in cash per booking / booking ID irrespective of the value of tour cost. C. ADDRESS PROOF: Please note the following requirements for address proof: TRANSACTIONS WITH INDIVIDUALS (Address proof) (i) Passport, (ii) PAN Card, (iii) Voter39s Identity Card, (iv) Driving License, (v) Job Card issued by NREGA(vi) Aadhar Card. In case of LOW risk customers, quotsimplified measuresquot can be applied which shall be deemed to be quotofficially valid documentsquot. Identity card with applicant39s photograph issued by central/state government departments, statutory/regulatory authorities, public sector undertakings, scheduled commercial banks and public financial institutions. Letter issued by a gazette officer with a duly attested photograph of the person. Where quotsimplified measuresquot are applied for verifying for the limited purpose of proof of address, the following additional documents are deemed to be Officially Valid Documents (OVD): vii) Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service providers (electricity, telephone, post paid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill) viii) Property or municipal tax receipt ix) Bank account or Post office savings bank account statement x) Pension or family pension payment orders, only if they contain address xi) Letter of allotment of accommodation. If the proof of address you are providing is in the name of some other member of your family with whom you are living and are closely related, then you would need to provide us such proof of address as mentioned above along with a declaration from the person named in such proof of address stating that you are a relative and are staying with him / her. If the document of identity produced has an address which is the same as that declared by the prospective Client, the said document may be accepted as valid proof of both identity and address. If different or if a valid photo ID does not have address, then a separate address proof should be obtained. PAYMENTS AND ADVANCE PAYMENT MODE: 1. Cash: Pan card copy is required where payment of Rs.50,000 /- or above is made in cash In case you want to remit the Tour Cost in Cash Foreign Currency (FCY), then it is mandatory that you have to produce the purchase receipt of FCY from an authorized dealer as per the KYC norms of RBI. 2. Cheque / Demand draft / Pay Order. The cheque / demand draft / pay order has to be drawn in favor of quotCox amp Kings Ltd. quot and payable at our Branch office, franchisee, Head office and / or Travel Agent nearest to you. In case of Cheque, it is subject to realization. 3. Debit / Credit Card You can make the payment by credit / debit card provided the credit / debit card is physically produced at the Cox amp Kings Cashier office as per the RBI rules. Bank Charges will be applicable for every transaction. You shall be solely liable / responsible to bear all bank transfer charges. You can also make online payment through Company39s website coxandkings using Credit / Debit Card and Net banking. 4. Wire Transfer For payment by NEFT / RTGS, the following are the payment details. COX amp KINGS LTD. When you make payment to your Travel Agent, it would not constitute payment to us until the same is remitted to our account. On payment of the advance amount, you will receive a receipt and invoice from Cox amp Kings Ltd. office for the amount paid, within a few days. Your invoice is a confirmation of your booking, however, the same is not valid for traveling on tour. CANCELLATION OF THE TOUR BY CLIENT If circumstances make you cancel your tour, the cancellation must be intimated to us in writing duly signed by each of the Clients seeking cancellation at the Registered Office address at Cox amp Kings Limited, Turner Morrison Bldg. 16, Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 and /or via fax no 91 22 22709161 or email us at customerservicecoxandkingsTasneem If you wish to cancel your tour, you must intimate the Company as follows provided that such intimation should be given on a working day within working hours: 1. By fax at 91 22 2270 9161 followed by a written communication to our Registered Office listed below OR 2.By email to customerservicecoxandkingsTasneem followed by a written communication to our Registered Office listed below OR 3. In writing on working days within working hours at the Registered Office of the Company: Cox amp Kings Ltd., Customer Service, GETAWAY GODDESS Turner Morrison Building, 16, Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India If the Booking Form has been signed by one or more persons for themselves and for others mentioned in the form, then the communication signed by such signatory / ies would be treated as a valid communication for cancellation for all such persons mentioned in the form assuming full responsibility. Similarly if your Travel Agent cancels, it will be deemed and construed that all the clients and you are in agreement with the same. The computation of the period of notice of cancellation shall commence only from the time the written request reaches the Company at its office in Mumbai on working days within office time at the details listed above. In case of cancellation the following cancellation shall apply: FOR GETAWAY GODDESS PACKAGES (TABLE 1) WHEN A CANCELLATION IS MADE AIR TICKET, INSURANCE AND VISA 59 days prior to departure date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges15 44 days prior to departure date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges 29 days prior to departure date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges 14 days prior to departure date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges 60 days prior to sailing date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges 59 days prior to sailing date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges Note . If there is any Land Arrangements purchased in conjunction with Cruise Vacation, please refer to Cancellation Table 1 for Land Arrangements payments. In case of third party products such as cruise holiday, bus and train tickets, 5 Star hotels, services during trade fair period, festival period, the rules relating to payment terms, cancellation and the cancellation schedule prescribed by the concerned third party service provider would be applicable and in addition the Company shall have the right to claim service and communication charges of INR 5,000/- per person. There will be a Service Tax of 14.50 presently applicable over and above all mentioned charges. Post deduction of cancellation charges along with service tax, your balance amount will be refunded. Booking Form signed by one or more person / communication signed by such signatories would be treated as valid communication for cancellation for all such person mentioned in the form assuming full responsibility. The computation of the period of notice of cancellation shall commence only from the time the written request reaches the Company at its office in Mumbai on working days within office time. It is clear understanding between the parties that for the purpose of this clause cancellation can be due to any reason whatsoever including the reason of inability to participate due to any reason including illness, death, court orders, non-availability of travel documents etc. The Company shall not be liable / responsible to pay any compensation, interest or damages to you. The company reserves the right to cancel any tour prior to departure without assigning any reason and all monies paid by you will be refunded forthwith in Indian Rupees only after deducting the actual expenses incurred by us on your booking like visa, insurance premium, ticket cancellation charges, administrative charges and other overheads expenses etc. as applicable from time to time and case to case, but no compensation and / or interest are payable. In the following cases you shall be deemed to have cancelled the tour even if no cancellation notice is issued by you: (i) In case of visa rejection, you would be deemed to have cancelled on the date of intimation of such rejection. (ii) If you fail to pay the tour cost in time or if you commit any other default in relation to your booking, we may treat such failure or default as a cancellation of the booking by you. In such case, the cancellation charges shall be computed with reference to the date on which we issue you a notice of cancellation (iii) If on your failure of payment or other default, no notice of cancellation is issued by us but your payment or default remains outstanding on the date of departure, the booking shall be deemed to have been cancelled by you without any advance notice, inviting the applicable cancellation charge. You expressly agree to abide by the foregoing terms and conditions. quotYouquot means the person/s in whose name and / or whose behalf the booking is made. Alternatively, the reference may be made in the third person as quottour participantquot / quottheyquot / quotClientquot / quotthemquot / quothisquot / quotherquot. quotWequot / quotUsquot / quotCompanyquot means Cox amp Kings limited. quotInfantquot / quotChildquot mean respectively a person below the age of two years and a person more than the age of two and below the age of twelve years. quotContractorquot / quotSupplierquot means supplier of any infrastructural facility and shall include hotel managements, airlines, caterers, restaurants, places of entertainment like theme parks, museums, art galleries shipping company, railway, ferry, cruise, coach etc. who are to provide the services to the Clients. quotTour costquot means the tour cost mentioned in the price grid / brochures / online and other payments such as taxes, surcharges etc payable by the Clients to the Company. quotBrochurequot means printed brochure, website, itinerary, leaflets, booklet, price grid. quotWebsitequot means coxandkings quotWeb pagesquot means pages on the website quotCancellation Policyquot means and includes all the cancellation charges levied by the Company from time to time, third party cancellation charges etc. as more particularly described hereinbelow or any other documents. quotVisa Cancellation Policyquot means and includes all the cancellation charges levied by consulate which also includes visa fees and any supplementary charges like visa facilitation charges, courier fees, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate in addition to the administrative fees charged by the Company. quotVisaquot means a Certificate issued or a stamp marked (on the applicant39s passport) by the immigration authorities of a country to indicate that the applicant39s credentials have been verified and he or she has been granted permission to enter the country for a temporary stay within a specified period. (Note: The Company does not have any role to play for issuance / rejection of Visa other than being a facilitator) quotJurisdictionquot means the geographical area over which a court or government body has the power and right to exercise authority. Parties hereto agree to confer exclusive Jurisdiction to Mumbai Courts / Forums. quotTerms and Conditionsquot means these terms and conditions and includes the How to Book Rules, Booking Form, Web Pages, Brochure, Price Grid, Itinerary, Promotion Booklet and other documents as may be notified from time to time. INTRODUCTION: We make all possible efforts to secure services from reputed suppliers for you so that you can travel safely and securely and you get best value for money. Our individual customized tours are known as 39GETAWAY GODDESS39. We also sell travel related products designed and operated by Third Parties. All our products are sold subject to these Terms and Conditions, How to Book Rules, Offers, Promotions and Booking Form (collectively referred to as quotTerms and Conditionsquot for the sake of brevity) and the contract between the Client and us shall be governed by the same. In the event of the Client booking through us any third party tours or travel products or services, the Terms and Conditions specified by such Third Party / Tour Operator, including their payment schedule, cancellation, refund, rules and regulations etc. shall be applicable, in addition to our Terms and Conditions. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, kindly read the Tour Brochure, the Price Grid, the Booking Form and the Terms and Conditions carefully. BROCHURE / WEBSITE INFORMATION - DISCLAIMERS : We take reasonable care in preparing the brochure, price grid, web pages and other documents and in describing the services therein. However, we are not liable for any typographical / printing errors. Furthermore, brochures may be printed several months in advance and the description of the services mentioned in the Brochure are as normally available and as accurate as possible and content may not always be fully updated. We therefore ask you to confirm the current information by contacting us. Circumstances beyond our control like major road works, traffic congestions, weather conditions, fairs, festivals, sport events, political / religious gatherings, strikes, change of management / closure of hotels / restaurants, over booking of hotels / flights, cancellation / re-routing of flights or railways, closure of / restricted entry at a place of sight seeing may result in changes in the services / itineraries. Therefore, we reserve our absolute right to alter, amend, change or modify the Tour Package, Itineraries, Tour Schedule, Travel Plan, Tour arrangements and sightseeing mentioned in the Brochure. Where we may know of these changes sufficiently in advance we may notify you. There are also very big Fairs and Exhibitions and events lasting up to 2 weeks or even more, where all the hotels are fully booked several years ahead. In such cases, the applicable cancellation charges levied by third party suppliers such as hotels, cruises, airlines are 100, which are payable by you. Every effort is made to avoid such dates, but in the few instances where it is unavoidable, it may be necessary to stay in hotels in other cities. (This would be advised at the time of booking). We request your co-operation where such changes are made. No complaints or grievances in this regard would be entertained either during the tour or after the tour has concluded. Photos of meals / hotel rooms / transportation / sightseeing / properties published in the Brochure are only for reference and may differ from the actual meal served / sights etc. Distance, Exchange Rate, Visa regulations and temperatures etc. mentioned in the Brochure are approximate or may vary. In case the alternate arrangements made are materially superior as compared to the ones described in the Brochure, we reserve the right to charge extra for the same anytime. We do not take any responsibility / liability of third party products displayed on our Website and cannot give any assurance or warranty regarding contents, quality or safety of the product in any way, nor would we be liable / responsible in any manner whatsoever for any deficiency, loss, damage or injury sustained by you as a result of availing such products and services. CONDITIONS OF OTHER THIRD PARTY OPERATORS : In the event you are booking through us a tour / travel service of any third party operators like Insight Vacations, Trafalgar, Cosmos, Star Cruise etc. the terms and conditions of such third party operators, including their payment schedule, cancellation, refund etc, shall be applicable to you in addition to our Terms and Conditions. PLEASE CAREFULLY CHECK WHAT THE TOUR PRICE INCLUDES AND EXCLUDES : Please refer to the relevant section in the Price Grid for the tour cost. It is your responsibility to go through the contents of Price Grid carefully and understand the inclusions and exclusions of the tour cost. For GETAWAY GODDESS, all services will be provided to you as per those specified / confirmed and paid for as per the Invoices and Service Vouchers. If you avail any service such as porterage, room service, laundry, excess baggage charge, a la carte meals, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, mineral water, paid toilets etc. or anything that is not specifically shown as included in the Tour Cost, then the payment for the same will have to be cleared by you. AIRLNES : We shall in no circumstances whatsoever be liable / responsible to you or any person travelling with you, for loss of baggage by the airline, failure to provide meal of your choice by the airline, denied boarding or down-gradation due to overbooking or any other reason, failure on the part of the airline to accommodate you despite having confirmed tickets, quality or quantity of meals offered by the airlines, flight delays or rescheduling, flight cancellation, changes of flight schedule or routing, change of airline mentioned at the time of booking etc. In these circumstances, we will not be liable / responsible for the injury, loss. cost or inconvenience suffered by you but you will be free to pursue your remedies against the concerned airline. BAGGAGE ON AIRLINE : Airlines have restrictions on the kind of baggage, number and weight of baggage that you can carry and you will need to carefully read and understand the rules and regulations of the airline, in this regard. Typically, weight restrictions on baggage for Economy Class is 20 Kg, for Business Class 30 kg and for First Class is 40 kg and 1 hand bag (cabin luggage) having dimensions of 115 linear cms. and not exceeding 7 kg per person except for flights to USA and Canada, where the passengers are permitted to carry 2 pieces of checked-in baggage and 1 hand bag. In the case of low cost carriers that are used by the Company during the tour, the permitted baggage allowance may be lower than what is mentioned above. Baggage is not included for internal flights in USA. One needs to pay for every piece of baggage checked in. The charges vary from USD 25 to USD 35 per bag. Please check with your sales staff for correct details. Please note that every airline has a different set of rules and regulations regarding the weight restrictions and furthermore, airlines keep changing the rules quite frequently. Hence, you are requested to please check the updated baggage rules of the individual airlines, with whom the ticket is booked. We are not liable / responsible in any manner if you are unable to carry any baggage or if you have to pay any extra charges due to restrictions imposed by the airline. You shall be liable / responsible to pay all such charges directly to the airline. Also, we are not liable / responsible for any loss or damage to baggage while it is in the custody of the airline. Please be careful to ensure that cameras, binoculars, musical instruments, mobile phones, credit / debit cards, ornaments, traveler39s cheques, currency notes, travel documents should never be left unattended in the hotel, restaurant, aircraft, coach or any other mode of transportation, at the place of amusement / sightseeing and / or at the railway station. Similarly the aforesaid items should not be kept in the checked-in baggage. If you misplace or lose any moveable property we will not be in any way responsible and / or liable. We may not be in a position to assist and / or lodge a complaint with the authorities. AIRLINE, AIRPORT OR WEATHER DELAYS : The Company is not liable / responsible for any additional expenses or loss that may arise from government regulation or order affecting the aircraft, strikes and labour disputes causing cessation, slowdown or interruption of work, meteorological conditions, security risks, or any other causes that are beyond the Company39s control but which may affect concerned airline39s ability to operate flights on schedule. The Company will not reimburse any additional expenses incurred by you as a result of such events or delays. The Company will not refund any unused portion of air tickets purchased in the event of such delays or due to any reasons beyond its direct control. BAGGAGE ON COACH : Please note that porterage is not included in the tour price. It is often difficult to get porters to assist as hotels may or may not provide this service and it is therefore advisable to use bags with wheels. Coaches have limited space for luggage and hence we permit only one suitcase and one handbag per person in the coach. The suitcase should be of a size of 158 cms. (width length height) preferably with wheels for sake of convenience. SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKERS : It is advisable that the tour participants carry their valuables on their person at all times. If Safe Deposit Lockers are available, the tour participants should avail the facility at their own risks and liability. This facility may be additionally charged by the hotel, which will have to be directly paid by the Client to the hotel. If the Safe Deposit facility is not available, the tour participants must take all necessary precautions in protecting their valuables as the Company / Service Providers / Company39s representatives shall not be liable / responsible for any loss of valuables or for making good such loss. DOCUMENTATION FOR BOOKING TOURS / BUYING FOREIGN EXCHANGE : A. For booking tours / buying foreign exchange for International Travel (other than travel to Nepal and Bhutan), following documentation is required: a. Physically signed booking form by the traveller. B. Physically signed terms and conditions form by the traveller. C. Physically signed LRS cum Form A2 by the traveller Only for international travel d. Signed photocopy of the first 2 pages and last 2 pages of your passport. e. Valid Visa issued by the country of visit. F. Air tickets. G. Cheque / Demand draft has to be in the name of quotCox amp Kings Ltd. quot B. PAN: a. For tour booking, copy of PAN card self attested is mandatorily required for any tour where in total tour cost per booking / booking ID exceeds Rs.2 Lacs. B. For purchase of foreign exchange, copy of PAN card is mandatorily required for purchase of foreign exchange over Rs.50,000/-. C. In case of minor where PAN Card is not available, the PAN Card details of parent / guardian are required. D. You will have to provide a declaration in Form 60 in case you do not have PAN Card. e. Copy of PAN Card / Form 60 is mandatorily required with self attested declaration, if payment of Rs.50,000/- or more is made in cash per booking / booking ID irrespective of the value of tour cost. C. ADDRESS PROOF: Please note the following requirements for address proof: TRANSACTIONS WITH INDIVIDUALS (Address proof) (i) Passport, (ii) PAN Card, (iii) Voter39s Identity Card, (iv) Driving License, (v) Job Card issued by NREGA (vi) Aadhar Card. In case of LOW risk customers, quotsimplified measuresquot can be applied which shall be deemed to be quotofficially valid documentsquot. Identity card with applicant39s photograph issued by central/state government departments, statutory / regulatory authorities, public sector undertakings, scheduled commercial banks and public financial institutions. Letter issued by a gazette officer with a duly attested photograph of the person. Where quotsimplified measuresquot are applied for verifying for the limited purpose of proof of address, the following additional documents are deemed to be Officially Valid Documents (OVD): vii) Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service providers (electricity, telephone, post paid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill) viii) Property or municipal tax receipt ix) Bank account or Post office savings bank account statement x) Pension or family pension payment orders, only if they contain address xi) Letter of allotment of accommodation. If the proof of address you are providing is in the name of some other member of your family with whom you are living and are closely related, then you would need to provide us such proof of address as mentioned above along with a declaration from the person named in such proof of address stating that you are a relative and are staying with him / her. If the document of identity produced has an address which is the same as that declared by the prospective Client, the said document may be accepted as valid proof of both identity and address. If different or if a valid photo ID does not have address, then a separate address proof should be submitted. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DOCUMENTS AND POSSESSIONS : You will have to take the risk and responsibility of all your baggage, belongings, currency, valuables, documents and personal effects (collectively 39baggage39) at all times during the tour, whether during travel on the airline or during your stay in hotel or during your travel in coaches, while on excursions or otherwise. If you forget to carry or if you lose essential travel documents such as passport, visa, tickets etc. you may be compelled to curtail the tour and you may have to incur extra expenses, for which you alone shall be liable / responsible. In view of what is stated above, please carefully note that: We shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage in respect of your baggage etc. or their contents whether due to theft, accident, negligence or otherwise We shall not be responsible / liable for any cancellation, curtailment or extension of your tour compelled by any such loss of baggage etc. and we shall pay no compensation or refund to you Some coverage in respect of baggage loss or damage may be provided by insurance. It is advisable that you do not carry valuables on the tour. However, if you carry any valuables, we recommend that you use all available facilities to keep them secure during your tour. In this regard, some hotels provide Safe Deposit Lockers (which may be charged separately). In case of airlines, we recommend that you declare your valuables to the airline at the time of check-in and pay an additional charge, as may be stipulated by the airline, to make the airlines responsible for valuables. Without such declaration, airlines can invoke limitation of liability protections provided in international conventions and laws. If your baggage is lost or misplaced at any time during the course of your tour, it is your liability / responsibility to take all appropriate actions to file complaints with the concerned authorities, including police, airline office etc. TIPPING : Tipping is customary (unless otherwise stated in the Brochure price grid) in all parts of the world for services rendered (e. g. porters, coach drivers, guides etc). Unless otherwise communicated, the tip amount is 2 Euro per person per day in Europe for the coach driver, 2 Euro per person per city per guide in Europe and 2 Euro per suitcase per day for a porter in Europe. Everywhere else it is 2 to 4 USD instead of 2 Euros. Please check the Price Grid to ascertain whether such tips are included within the tour costs or are required to be paid by you separately. Your Sales advisor will guide you in this regard. PUNCTUALITY : This is a measure to ensure your safety and time discipline. Clients will have to strictly adhere to the prescribed timetable for the day. Please adhere to time discipline so that scheduled sightseeing is not missed due to your actions. In case any sightseeing or services are missed due to your default the same will be non-refundable. Tour participants are requested to strictly follow the time schedule given at all times including the departure time from the hotel, sightseeing places, etc. MEALS : Please refer to the itinerary in the brochure / Website for details of the meals which would be served to you on the tour. If availed of meal option on a GETAWAY GODDESS / tour, there are pre-set menus provided at standard Indian restaurants. Unlike an airline, we CANNOT process a special meal, nor can we guarantee a special diet, nor can we guarantee the seating arrangement in a particular section of the restaurant. The same is at the sole discretion of the SERVICE PROVIDER. We do not assure special meals or special timings or extra halts for infants, children, or passengers with diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure or any other condition. We cannot guarantee quantity of the food as may be provided by the service provider. Please note that meals do not include alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. We, however, reserve the right to change the meal arrangement, where circumstances compel us to do so. At some places a meal allowance may be paid to you at our discretion to enable you to have a meal of your own choice. CURRENCY AND TRAVELLERS CHEQUES : We recommend that you take your Foreign Exchange partly in cash and partly in travellers cheque. You can also opt to take a foreign currency debit card which is another safe mode of carrying exchange. Travellers Cheque can be encashed overseas for foreign exchange, for a nominal fee. It is recommended that the client should avail the foreign exchange component of the tour cost from the Company under their LRS entitlement. TRANSFERS : Transfers are provided depending on the tour booked and this will be clearly mentioned in your Itinerary.. SEAT IN COACH TRANSFERS / TOURS : This service is based on air conditioned (SIC) Seat in Coach / Van / Hotel Shuttle. The size of the coach may vary depending upon the number of tourists travelling. SIC transfer is economical, offers great value for money and ideal for budget travelers. Based on a shared vehicle transfer, you share your coach / van seat with other tourists. SIC Transfers / tour operates at a pre-decided time and designated point. The SIC tour may operate from hotel or from a city centre location cost of transportation to the city centre location is not included. In some destinations the pickup and drop off service from the hotel may cause a time delay and service is slower than private services. SIC Sightseeing tours are conducted by English speaking guides. This service offers you to have your own privacy and convenience to travel at a pre-decided time. Depending upon your budget, we may offer an air-conditioned vehicle. The class of the vehicle offered may vary depending on your needs and budget. In certain destinations, the driver acts like guide whereas in other destinations, we have a separate licensed English speaking guide for sightseeing services. It cannot be assumed that the vehicle is at disposal throughout the day and may only cover transfers. CAUTION : For all transfers and tours please wait at the Bell Captain or Concierge Counter at least 10 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. DO NOT WAIT IN YOUR ROOM OR IN HOTEL39S COFFEE SHOPS . Please be punctual as most of the hotels do not allow waiting in the driveway area for security reasons. ACCOMMODATION FOR CHILD BELOW 12 YEARS OF AGE : It is expressed and given to understand that a child below 12 years of age who is booked on the tour paying the special rate without a bed will not be provided with a bed in the hotel while on the tour under any circumstances unless a supplement cost is paid. In case the Client decides to make any change in the rooming while on the tour then they shall be bound to pay additional amount charged to them by the concerned Hotel directly to the Hotel. CONDITIONS OF PASSAGE : These conditions are applicable to every Client of the Company, who books a Brochure Tour or any Special Tour or travel arrangement. In the event of a Client booking through us a Tour or Tour Arrangement of any other Tour Operators like Hotels, Airlines, Cruise etc. the 39Terms and Conditions39 specified by such Tour Operator, including their payment schedule, cancellation, refund, rules and regulations etc. shall be applicable, in addition to our 39Terms and Conditions39 while determining the contractual relation between the Client, the Tour Operator and us. SCOPE OF ACTIVITY : We are travel and tour organisers only. We do not control or operate any airline, nor do we own or control any shipping company, coach or coach company, hotel, transport, restaurant, railways, cruise or any other facility or service mentioned in this Brochure. Though we take care in selecting all the ingredients in your tour, we can only select and inspect them. As we have no control in running them, we cannot be held responsible / liable for any deficiency in service, delays, improper services provided by any agency, airline, transport, hotel, cruise or any provider of services, for any injury, death, loss or damage which is caused by the act or default of the management or employees of any hotel, airlines, shipping companies, cruise, coach owners / coach operators / tour operators who are the Company39s independent contractors. We are also not responsible / liable for the delay or deficiency in services provided by agency, airline, transport, hotel, cruise or any provider of services, and / or any act or actions of co-travellers, co-passengers which may result in injury, damage to the life / limb or property of the Clients or interfere with enjoying or availing the services to be provided on the tour. REGISTRATION : The Client has been supplied with details for the tour arrangements and the Tour Brochure / Itinerary for the relevant year and season. The Client shall read the same as well as the Booking Form, Terms amp Conditions, How to Book, Tour Brochure / Itinerary, Payment receipt carefully before filling and signing the same, which shall be binding on the parties and shall constitute a contract between the parties, on the Client signing the Booking Form and making payment towards the prescribed non-refundable interest free advance amount. In case of one or more but not all Clients signing the 39Booking Form39, it shall be deemed and construed that the others have duly authorised the concerned signing Client/s assuming full responsibility. In cases where the Travel Agent through whom the Clients have booked the tour signs the Booking Form for and on behalf of the persons named in the Booking Form, it shall be deemed and construed that the Clients have duly authorized the said Travel Agent to sign on their behalf assuming full responsibility. The signing of the Booking Form by the Client or by their Travel Agent shall mean acceptance in totality of the Terms and Conditions contained herein by the Client/s. No person including the Employee/s and the Agent/s of the Company other than the Company, in writing, has the authority to vary, add, amplify or waive any stipulation, representation, Term or Condition set forth in this Brochure. Any assurance given by any person shall be void and will have no consequence. The Company reserves the right to decline to register any person/s as Client/s for any Tour or to cancel their registration without assigning any reason. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS AND CLEARANCES : It shall be solely your responsibility / liability to hold valid and genuine travel documents and statutory clearance such as passports, visa, confirmed air-tickets, insurance and medical insurance certificates and other statutory certificates including immigration clearance etc. If you cancel the tour due to non-availability of the passport etc, you will be liable / responsible to pay cancellation charges. Your passport should be valid for six months from the date of return of the tour and you must have current visa and travel insurance to cover your entire stay. Any overstay OR wrong information supplied by you may lead to deportation from the foreign country you are visiting for which we are not liable. Below are some of the specific restrictions for travel to Countries: To travel to Australia and New Zealand, you need to be aware of the Quarantine Laws. Visitors are required to fill in the information truthfully before arrival and declare what food and any products made of wood and other natural materials they have processed. If the visitor fails to do so, he / she will get a quarantine fine, and if not, the visitor may face criminal convictions. It is your responsibility / liability to furnish all documents required by the Company for application of visa etc. We are mere facilitators for providing visa guidance services. In the event the application for the visa made by you or the Company on your behalf is rejected by the concerned Embassy or Authorities due to inadequate documents furnished by the applicant or due to any other reason whatsoever, the Company shall not be liable or responsible for the same. Such charges may or may not include the actual visa charge and costs incurred but will include our service charge. However, it excludes any supplementary charges like courier fees, urgent fees charged by the Consulate. All costs, charges in respect of the said application for the visa shall be borne by you and the non-refundable advance paid by you shall be forfeited and no claim whatsoever shall be made for the same. UK and USA visa will have to be obtained by you directly however the Company can only facilitate and assist in submitting the visa application based on documents provided by you. Certain Consulates / Embassies may call for personal interviews and / or biometrics. As granting or rejecting visa and immigration clearance is the sole prerogative of the concerned sovereign governments and the Company is only a facilitator, the Company shall neither be responsible in case of non-granting of such documents nor liable for any delay, denial or other related act / omission or for any loss, expense, damage or cost resulting there from. The position in respect of cancellation of the tour by you due to non-availability of travel documents would not change only by virtue of the Client having applied for such documents through the Company. Even if the visa is rejected, the stipulated fees of the Company shall be payable by you. There will be no refund, if you, or any member of your party, is unable to travel due to the said reasons. In fact, many a time, due to such cancellations, the Company suffers losses because, sometimes, the cancellation is made at a time of tour rush and the third party suppliers such as hotels, airlines and cruises levy 100 cancellation charges. In such cases, cancellation charges as applicable by the Company will apply and the decision of the Company will be final and binding upon you. Under the circumstances, you agree not to proceed legally against us unless there is a manifest error from our end. The Company would not be responsible / liable in any manner whatsoever for any clerical error made by the concerned Embassy / Consulate regarding name, attachment of wrong photograph, duration and type of visa (single / multiple entry) or passport number. We always use services of reputed courier companies for the purpose of transmission of passports to the Embassies / Consulates and to our Client in various cities. We would not be responsible / liable for any loss or damage whether direct, incidental or consequential caused due to transmission delays or loss of passport whether in transit or otherwise. The documents forwarded by you for visa purpose are sent by us to the concerned Embassy / Consulate through third parties and hence we would not be liable / responsible for loss of your documents. We would however, make best attempts to trace your documents or assist you in obtaining new passport / alternative / certified copies of the lost documents. In the event that you are unable to travel on the tour date originally booked by you, due to rejection of visa by the concerned Embassy, you shall have the option to postpone your tour to any other future date or choose any other tour destination subject to cancellation charges of the previous tour. However, if you book and pay within the cancellation period and are unable to travel due to any reason whatsoever including non-availability of visa or any travel documents, the Cancellation Policy shall apply. HEALTH : Please note that your health is entirely your risk and responsibility. Our tours are suitable for persons of reasonable fitness. They may not suit persons who are medically infirm or who have special needs or requirements whether due to age, medical conditions or otherwise. It shall be your duty to inform us in writing in case you have any medical condition that may affect your ability to fully enjoy our tour arrangements or where the interests of other tour participants may be adversely affected by such condition. Under such conditions we may decline to accept you or continue you on that tour. We reserve the right (without obligation) to ask you to undergo medical tests and to provide written certification of your medical fitness before departure or at any time during the tour and if you fail to undergo such tests or fail to provide such certificates, we may decline to accept you or to continue you on the tour. However, it is not our obligation to check your medical condition and if you suffer any injury or aggravation on the tour or if you are unable to enjoy / complete the whole or any part of the tour due to your medical conditions, we shall not be responsible / liable to compensate you nor to refund any amount to you nor to pay your medical expenses. If any adventure sports are included in the tour package, you shall avail of the same at your own risk having regard to your medical condition. We shall not be liable for any death, injury or other loss due to your participation in such adventure sports and any release form that you may be required to sign for such person / service provider / club / association / organization / hobbyist / institution will be binding. In this regard, please note that service providers such as airlines may decline to accept you on medical grounds. Please carefully read and understand the rules and regulations of the service providers, because we shall not be responsible / liable for the consequences that you may suffer. To some extent, your losses on account of trip cancellation attributable to hospitalization as also your expenses of hospitalization due to accident may be covered by insurance. TRAWELLTAG COVER-MORE ASSISTANCE AND INSURANCE Your Travel insurance which is underwritten by United India Insurance Co. Ltd. is an add-on benefit provided by TrawellTag Cover-More along with its assistance services and ancillary products, which is included in our tour package (excluding ad hoc group tours. third party products and individual tours) that entitles you to travel insurance cover during the duration of the tour. An additional charge is payable in case you wish to extend the duration of your tour. The cover is provided for all the passengers only up to 70 years of age. All passengers travelling overseas and above the age of 70 years should undergo the required medical tests post which the insurance company will issue travel insurance at an extra premium paid by the passenger. We shall not be liable for any consequences arising due to a pre-existing medical condition or participation in adventure sports even if you have opted for an additional adventure sports cover. It must be noted that pre-existing diseases are not covered under this insurance policy. Please take note that. in case of death of the tourist (s) all the arrangements for transportation of the dead body including procuring the death certificate, post mortem, re - patriation of dead body and all personal effects / property and insurance claims etc. shall be made by accompanying relative and / or accompanying known acquaintances of the deceased. Company shall not be responsible for extending any help for the same. The entire expenses shall be borne by the accompanying relative / or accompanying known acquaintances of the tourist. The Company shall not be responsible for the same. In case any of the relatives wants to visit the country where the tourist has expired, all the necessary arrangements shall be made by the said relative only at his / her cost. Please note that you would have a direct contractual relation with the insurance company and we are not in any manner responsible for the decisions taken by the insurance company. You shall directly submit claims to your insurance company. The insurance company shall directly pay the settlement amounts to you and any dispute in regard to rejection of claim or adequacy of settlement amount shall be settled by you directly with the insurance company. For details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy terms and conditions carefully. FORFEITURE OF ADVANCE : The Company shall be within its rights to forfeit the non-refundable interest free advance paid by the Client to the Company along with the prescribed Booking Form duly completed for the tour booked by the Client. In the event the Client cancels the booking or on failure on the part of the Client to adhere to the tour payment schedule as informed in the documentation check list OR the visa of any country is not granted OR is unable to travel on the tour booked by the Client due to any reason whatsoever including medical ground or sickness, the non refundable interest free advance shall stand forfeited and the scale of cancellation set out in the quotHow To Bookquot section of the Brochure shall be applicable and binding. The Client expressly agrees to the foregoing terms and conditions. LIABILITIES : Please go through the terms and conditions carefully to understand your rights, responsibilities, risks and the extent of our liabilities. As earlier stated, being tour organizers, we will not be liable / responsible to you for any loss, injury or damage in respect of life, limb or property, sickness, delay, discomfort, anxiety, service denial, service deficiency, additional expenses etc incurred by you or for any direct, indirect, consequential loss and / or damage of any kind suffered by you howsoever caused arising out of any act, omission, default of any contractor / supplier or of any servant or agent employed by the contractor / supplier or of any third person who may be engaged or concerned in the provision of accommodation, meals, transportation, entertainment, refreshment or any other service etc. comprising the tour package. In view of this, please note that we shall have no liability in the following circumstances (amongst others): Failure on the part of airline to accommodate passengers (despite having confirmed tickets) or cancellation, change of route, delay of flights etc. If in the event that you are booked on a particular airline and the said flight is over booked / cancelled for whatever reason and you are not allowed / able to board the flight, you shall not hold the Company responsible / liable for the same and no claim whatsoever can be made by you against the Company for refund or compensation. Any overstay expenses due to delay or changes in bus / flights / ships / trains or cancellation of special bogie or other services due to sickness, weather conditions, war or any other cause whatsoever. Overbooking of seats / rooms by the airline / hotel. Loss of / delay of baggage by airline / coach / cruise / train / hotel. Any death, personal injury, sickness, accident, loss, delay, discomfort, increased expenses, consequential loss and / or damage or any kind of theft howsoever caused Any act, omission, default of any independent contractor or other person or by any servant or agent employed by them who may be engaged or concerned in the provision of accommodation, refreshment, meals, carriage facility or service for you or for any person travelling with you howsoever caused. The temporary or permanent loss of or damage to baggage or personal effects howsoever caused including wilful negligence on the part of any person.. Rudeness or unprofessional behaviour of co-passenger/ staff of airline / hotel etc. quality / quantity of meals, facilities given etc. Any kind of service denial or deficiency by any contractor / supplier. Further, please note that in any case, our liability arising from this contract shall not exceed the total amount paid for the tour holiday. Further, under no circumstances shall we have any liability in respect of any indirect, special or consequential losses / damages / compensation whatsoever. As earlier stated, any loss or damage to your baggage will be borne entirely by you and we shall not be liable / responsible for the same in any manner. We shall not be responsible and / or liable for any damages caused to you due to reasons beyond the control of the Company (Force Majeure / Vis Majeure). Any overstay expenses due to delay or changes in bus / flights / ships / trains / hotels or cancellation of special bogie or other services due to sickness, weather conditions, war, threat of war, strikes, rebellions, disturbances, unrest, curfew etc. or any other cause whatsoever, shall be borne entirely by you and we shall not be liable for the same. We are not liable / responsible for any acts, omissions or defaults of other tour participants which may result in injury, damage to your life / limb or property or interfere with enjoying any services to be provided on the tour. The immunities provided under this contract to the Company shall be available to the Company39s managers, including employees, servants and agents but not to the contractors / suppliers selected by the Company. Please note that we will be entitled to retain custody of your documents or properties entrusted to us till we receive payment of all amounts that are due to us in relation to your booking / travel. In the event of the Company exercising its rights to amend or alter any Tour or tour advertised in their Brochure / Itinerary after such Tour or Tour has been booked, you shall have the right to continue with the Tour or Tour as amended or altered. or to accept any alternative Tour or Tour, which the Company may offer. In either of these above cases you shall not be entitled to or the Company shall not be liable/ responsible to you for any damage, additional expenses, consequential loss etc suffered by you or to pay any amount as refund. In the event that the Company is unable to conduct a particular Tour, the Company may at its own discretion, refund the amount of the cost of the said Tour to you (after deducting the applicable taxes and the actual expenses incurred by us on the booking like visa, insurance charges, ticket voiding charges, and other overheads as applicable etc on a case to case basis) without any interest on the same. You will not be entitled to make any grievance thereafter in respect of the same. Refund, if any would be paid to you as per the prevalent rate of exchange in INR as per the RBI regulations at the time of making the refund. YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLY WITH TOUR CONDITIONS : You will have to strictly follow the tour program and comply with the Terms and Conditions of the various contractors / service providers such as hotels, airlines, cruises etc. You are responsible / liable to register with our representative of the Company at the appointed date, place and time for departure and you would be treated as a no-show if you fail to do so and the consequences shall be yours entirely. You are required to be punctual and adhere to the time-lines of the tour and of the contractors / service providers. If you are not punctual, you could miss your flight, your transport / sightseeing / meals etc. We will not be responsible / liable in any way in such situations. You shall not behave in a manner which may cause distress or annoyance to other tour participants or to any other person or which may create the risk of danger or damage to property belonging to us or other tour participants, service providers or any other persons. If you misbehave or disturb the decorum of the tour, we may have to terminate your tour. In such an event, no refund or compensation will be paid to you and you will have to bear and pay the expenses for your return travel at your risks and consequences. You shall not carry any item or object, the possession of which is forbidden by any law, rules or regulations. Nor shall you violate any other law, rules or regulations of the country in which you are travelling. Should any tour participant misbehave or violate any laws, rules or regulations, we shall have the right to discontinue his / her participation and exclude him / her from the tour at his / her risk, cost and expense. Should we suffer any damage or liability on account of a tour participant39s misbehaviour and / or for losses caused to property of third party service providers, we shall be free to separately charge and recover our losses and expenses from him / her. For any visit which has religious significance (example: cathedrals / temples / mosques etc) you will need to follow the rules and regulations set by them. Examples could be: Clothes not meeting with the required standards. Wherever required, you should cover your head with scarf sleeveless clothes / shorts should not be worn. You must respect the place of worship. Photography which may be forbidden. Prohibition on eating or consumption of beverages. Maintaining silence during religious ceremony etc. Obscene CDs, DVDs, books or such other media that may not be permitted in keeping with the spirit of the place PRICES, SURCHARGES AND TAXES : The Company reserves the right to impose surcharges on any tour(s), but only for reasons arising from increases in transportation costs, fuel costs, dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airport charges, local operator costs, currency and exchange fluctuations, increases in taxes, or government action which impacts the price of the applicable tour(s). Tours are priced and advertised exclusive of applicable taxes and such taxes will be advised to you at the time of booking and itemized on subsequent invoicing. VALIDITY : The prices of tour / s advertised in the brochures and on the Company39s Website are based on costs in effect at the time of printing the brochure or hosting on the Website. The Company reserves the right to alter prices of any tour at any time prior and /or post receipt of payment in full for such tour. All dates, itineraries and prices are indicative only and the price quoted at the time of Booking shall be the applicable price, subject to the surcharges that may be levied. Rate of Exchange will be as per the day of payment. FORCE MAJEURE : The Company shall not be liable / responsible in any way to you for death, bodily injury, illness, damage, deficiency, delay or other loss or detriment to person or property, or financial costs both direct and indirect incurred, or for the Company failure to commence, perform and/or complete any duty owed to you if such death, delay, bodily injury (including emotional distress or injury), illness, damage or other loss or detriment to person or property is caused by act of god, war or threat of war, declared war, war riots, mechanical breakdowns, acts of the public enemy, actual or threatened terrorist activity, acts of terrorism, terrorism, hostilities civil disturbances, insurrections, industrial dispute, strikes, financial/economic slowdown and / or meltdown, accidents, explosions, implosions, fires, earthquakes, volcanic ashes, floods, transportation embargoes, epidemics, interference by authorities, political disturbance, howsoever and where so ever any of the same may arise or be caused, riot, insurrection and government restraint, extreme weather or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the Company or an event in which the supplier of services, even with all due care, could not foresee. GRIEVANCE : If the Client has any grievance in respect of any services provided by any of the independent contractors, the Client shall immediately inform the Company and the independent contractor, so that the Company can take up the matter with the independent contractor and the Company has the chance to rectify the problems then and there, if the grievance is genuine. If you fail to do this, any right to compensation or refund which you may have, will be extinguished or reduced. In case of Client/s grievance concerning services of any independent contractor the same should be communicated on the emergency telephone number given to you immediately, followed by written communication mailed to the Registered office address at Cox amp Kings Limited, Turner Morrison Building, 16, Bank street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 / Via fax no 91 22 22709161 or email us at customerservicecoxandkings as soon as possible and a copy thereof should be marked to the independent contractor, whereby the Company has the chance to rectify any problems, if the grievance is genuine. Failure to do so will result in the Client losing any right as to compensation or refund. Any complaint by the Client must be notified to the Company in writing within 28 days of the end of the tour. No claim notified to the Company outside this period will be entertained and the Company shall incur no liability / responsibility whatsoever in respect thereof. PRIVACY OF INFORMATION : We try to maintain the privacy of the personal information provided by you. However, it would be necessary for us to share this information with Consulates, Embassies, Airlines, Hotels and other service providers who would be providing you service during the tour. We would also be constrained to disclose such information if we receive an order of the court, a requisition from any government or statutory authority, subpoena, or under any law, rules or regulations, such disclosure becomes necessary. You agree to let us photograph and / or videograph the tour and specifically you agree to let us photograph and / or videograph you in the course of the tour. You agree to let us publish such photographs / videographs through all media including print media, Websites, letters, emails etc. You also agree to let us track usage statistics. You agree and accept that all such photographs and / or videographs and statistics are our absolute property and we have the unrestricted right to use them for any legitimate purposes including advertisement and commercial purposes. Further, you agree that if you share with us any photographs and / or videographs taken by you during the tour, we would be free to publish such photographs and / or videographs through all media including print media, Websites, letters, emails etc. We recommend that you register online so that we can send you updates and information on travel destinations. CANCELLATION OF THE TOUR BY CLIENT : As the services to be provided to the tour participants are booked several months in advance, cancellation of such services earmarked for a particular departure results in the Company losing money depending upon the time of cancellation to the supplier. Therefore any cancellation of tour / services booked by a tour participant will attract cancellation charges plus any additional taxes if any, as specified by the Company. If the Tour participant books a third party product or service, the Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy of such third party would be applicable in addition to the Company39s Terms and Conditions. Any cancellation of tour / services has to be in writing clearly stating the reasons for cancellation. If circumstances make you cancel your tour, the cancellation must be intimated to us in writing duly signed by each of the Clients seeking cancellation at the Registered Office address at Cox amp Kings Limited, Turner Morrison Bldg. 16, Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 and /or via fax no 91 22 22709161 or email us at customerservicecoxandkings . If you wish to cancel your tour, you must intimate the Company as follows provided that such intimation should be given on a working day within working hours: 1. By fax at 91 22 2270 9161 followed by a written communication to our Registered Office listed below OR 2. By email to customerservicecoxandkings followed by a written communication to our Registered Office listed below OR 3. In writing on working days within working hours at the Registered Office of the Company: Cox amp Kings Ltd., Customer Service, GETAWAY GODDESS Turner Morrison Building, 16, Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India If the Booking Form has been signed by one or more persons for themselves and for others mentioned in the form, then the communication signed by such signatory / s would be treated as a valid communication for cancellation for all such persons mentioned in the form assuming full responsibility. Similarly if your Travel Agent cancels, it will be deemed and construed that all the clients and you are in agreement with the same. The computation of the period of notice of cancellation shall commence only from the time the written request reaches the Company at its office in Mumbai on working days within office time at the details listed above. In case of cancellation the following cancellation shall apply: WHEN A CANCELLATION IS MADE 60 days prior to sailing date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges 59 days prior to sailing date Cancellation policy of the air ticket as per the fare rules plus applicable administrative charges 100 of insurance charges 100 of visa fees, consulate fees and any supplementary charges like courier fees, visa facilitation charges, SMS charges, urgent fees charged by the consulate along with Cox amp Kings administrative charges Note . If there is any Land Arrangements purchased in conjunction with Cruise Vacation, please refer to Cancellation Table 1 for Land Arrangements payments. 1) In case of third party products such as cruise holiday, bus and train tickets, 5 Star hotels, services during trade fair period, festival period, the rules relating to payment terms, cancellation and the cancellation schedule prescribed by the concerned third party service provider would be applicable and in addition the Company shall have the right to claim service and communication charges of INR 5,000/- per person. 2) There will be a Service Tax of 14.50 presently applicable over and above all mentioned charges. Post deduction of cancellation charges along with service tax, your balance amount will be refunded. 3) Booking Form signed by one or more person / communication signed by such signatories would be treated as valid communication for cancellation for all such person mentioned in the form assuming full responsibility. The computation of the period of notice of cancellation shall commence only from the time the written request reaches the Company at its office in Mumbai on working days within office time. 4) It is clear understanding between the parties that for the purpose of this clause cancellation can be due to any reason whatsoever including the reason of inability to participate due to any reason including illness, death, court orders, non-availability of travel documents etc. The Company shall not be liable / responsible to pay any compensation, interest or damages to you. 5) The company reserves the right to cancel any tour prior to departure without assigning any reason and all monies paid by you will be refunded forthwith in Indian Rupees only after deducting the actual expenses incurred by us on your booking like visa, insurance premium, ticket cancellation charges, administrative charges and other overheads expenses etc. as applicable from time to time and case to case, but no compensation and / or interest are payable. 6) In the following cases you shall be deemed to have cancelled the tour even if no cancellation notice is issued by you: (i) In case of visa rejection, you would be deemed to have cancelled on the date of intimation of such rejection. REFUND : The Company reserves the right to determine the quantum of refund payable in case of cancellation or amendment of a Tour due to Force Majeure or Vis Majeure. Such refund would be based on various factors like the number of participants, the Cancellation Policies of suppliers like hoteliers, airlines, coach operators, etc. and the decision of the Company on the quantum of refund shall be final. Even for payments made in foreign currency with or without part payment in Indian rupees, the said refund shall be made only in Indian Rupees at the prevailing buying rate of exchange on the date of refund as per existing Rules amp Regulations without interest. Refunds (if any) for amendments and / or cancellations will be made directly to Clients by the Company after deducting applicable taxes. In case of refund in foreign currency component, the said refund shall be made in INR only at the prevailing buying rate on the date of refund as per existing statutes, rules and regulations. It would take at least 60 days depending upon the refund policy of suppliers to process such refunds. In case of the Company exercising its discretionary rights to alter, amend or cancel any Tour or tour advertised, the Client who has booked for such Tour can exercise the option: To continue with the Tour as altered or amended or To accept any alternative Tour, which the Company may offer or To unconditionally accept the return of the tour cost charges (after deduction of the actual expenses incurred by us on your booking like visa, insurance premium, ticket voiding charges, POE charges and other overheads as applicable from case to case) in full and final settlement and the Company shall not be liable / responsible to pay the Client, compensation, consequential loss, damages, additional expenses or interest charges over and above as is computed by the Company as per these 39Terms amp Conditions39. The Client will not be entitled to make any grievance thereafter in respect of the same. In case of the Client travelling on an amended Tour, the legal relation between the parties shall not change only by virtue of the amendment. The Client opting to continue with the tour arrangements as altered or amended shall pay additional charges if any levied by the Company. RATE OF EXCHANGE APPLICABLE TO REFUNDS: Please note that refunds of foreign exchange component of the tour cost will be based on our buying rate of that date. To make it clearer, every day we i. e. the Company publish on our web page (coxandkings/live/products/forex/index. php ) and through our sales network, our buying and selling rate for foreign currency applicable for that day. When we receive Indian Rupees from you in relation to a booking, we convert them into the foreign exchange component of the tour cost at our selling rate, then applicable and credit the proceeds in our bank account. When we refund the foreign exchange component to you in Indian Rupees, we do so at our buying rate applicable on the date of refund, because the bank will convert the money at the buying rate and credit the same in Indian Rupees. NO REFUND FOR UNUTILIZED SERVICES : It is clearly understood that there shall be no refund or compensation whatsoever for unutilized services. This general rule applies to all kinds of non-utilization or under-utilization of tour services, whether of the whole or part of the tour and whether as a matter of your choice, or caused by your fault or compelled by circumstances such as ill-health, weather, external factors etc. As a consequence of the above rule, please note that no refund will be admissible in the following circumstances (amongst others). (i) If you fail to join the tour at the commencement of the tour or join later or leave before culmination of the tour for any reasons whatsoever. (ii) If you fail to or are unable to utilize any of the services on the tour like airline travel, hotels, sightseeing, rides, cruises, meals, entrance fees, optional tours etc. due to any reason whatsoever such as late reporting, ill-health etc. (iii) If you terminate your participation in the tour due to your own fault, negligence or breach of these Terms. YOUR SUGGESTIONS : If you have any tips, which you might want to share with us, do write to us at our Registered Office as listed above or email us at customerservicecoxandkings or fax to us at 91 22 2270 9161. SPECIAL REQUEST : Where special requests for room allocation, diet consideration, handicap assistance on tour / hotel / transportation / cruise etc. are made in writing at the time of booking, every effort will be made to try and deliver. However the Company will not be held liable / responsible for claims of damages or consequential loss if such requests are not honoured. In case of persons with special needs, it is necessary that a qualified companion accompanies such a person. Regrettably, the Company cannot endow any aid for walking, dining, getting on and off from vehicles and for other personal needs etc. to such persons. COMMUNICATION : Communications transmitted to your mailing address / email address on record shall be deemed to have been communicated to you even if returned as undeliverable for any reason. All communication from you to the Company has to be in writing, not orally. Where you book directly with us, we will address communications to you at your mailing address and / or e-mail address given in the Booking Form. Where you have booked through Preferred Agent (PA) / Travel Agent (TA), we will address communications to your PA / TA who made the booking on your behalf and the PA / TA would be fully responsible / liable for transmitting such communication to you. All monies paid to the Travel Agent shall not constitute payment to us unless deposited by your agent with the Company. The Company shall not be responsible / liable for any non - communication, miscommunication or delayed communication. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS APPLY IN CASE OF PROMOTIONS / OFFERS / SCHEMES : Please note that in case of special offers, promotions or schemes, additional terms and conditions of these offers, promotions or schemes will be applicable in addition to these Terms and Conditions. You might have to adhere to the payment schedule prescribed under such offers, promotions or schemes in order to be eligible to avail benefits under such offers, promotions or schemes. If you fail to make the payment by the due date and / or do not comply with all the terms and conditions of the offer, promotion or scheme, you shall not be entitled to receive the benefit under such offer, promotion or scheme under any circumstances and these Terms and Conditions shall supersede any offer, promotion or scheme terms. We shall have the absolute right to withdraw any scheme or discount at any time after such scheme or discount is published. TRAVEL NOW PAY LATER SCHEMES : We may assist you in obtaining bank finance to enable you to pay in easy installments. However, please note that the loan relationship is entirely between you and the bank and you will submit the finance application to the bank entirely at your own risk. If you fail to provide the required documentation to the bank hence the loan cannot be availed of in time or if the bank in its sole discretion rejects your loan application, you shall be liable to pay the entire price to us upfront, failing which your booking shall stand cancelled and cancellation charges shall apply. SAVE NOW TRAVEL LATER (SNTL) SCHEME : We may assist you in the quotSNTLquot scheme which is governed by Special Terms. Please liaise with our executive to obtain these Special Terms, which are in addition to these Terms amp Conditions CONDITIONS OF TRAVEL : The Client will have to strictly follow the tour program and return to India as per the validity of the air ticket. There shall be no refund, if the Client is not present at the commencement of the tour. It should be noted that for all purposes, it shall be the responsibility / liability of the Client to reach the place of commencement of the Tour and register with the representative of the Company at the appointed place, date and time. If a Client along with his family is compelled to discontinue the tour due to any reason whatsoever including illness, death or loss of passport or any travel documents, no claim whatsoever shall be entertained for refund of unutilized services. Even if a Client is unable to reach the place of commencement of the tour due to any reason whatsoever including loss of baggage or loss of travel documents, his booking shall be treated as 39no show39 on the tour and 100 cancellation charges will be levied. The Company reserves the right to withdraw tour membership from anyone whose behavior is deemed likely to affect the smooth operation of the tour or adversely affect the enjoyment or safety of other passengers and the Company, shall be under no liability to any such person. It is hereby declared that the immunities provided under this contract shall be available to the Company39s managers, including tour managers, employees, servants and agents but not to the independent contractors selected by the Company. Each of these conditions shall be severable from the other and if any provision be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless have full force and effect. If no suit / action is brought against the Company within three months of the last day of the GETAWAY GODDESS, the Company shall be discharged from all liabilities, responsibilities under / or arising out of this Contract and the Client shall be deemed to have relinquished / abandoned all his rights under or arising from this Contract. If you book with a Travel Agent and your booking with that agent includes, but is not limited to the Company39s arrangements, your contract is with your Travel Agent and the Company is simply a supplier to your Travel Agent. LAW amp JURISDICTION : In the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, the parties shall first seek settlement of that dispute by mediation in accordance with the applicable rules. The Mediator shall be appointed by the Company. If the dispute is not settled by mediation within 30 thirty days of the appointment of the mediator, or such further period as the parties shall agree in writing, then the dispute may be settled in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Company. The arbitration proceedings will be in Mumbai. The arbitrator39s decision shall be final and binding on both parties. In case of any dispute concerning the award, the courts in Mumbai alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction. This contract will be governed by Indian laws. You agree that in the event of a dispute or difference between the parties the exclusive jurisdiction shall vest in the competent court / forum / tribunal in Mumbai only. INTERPRETATION : As to the interpretation of the aforesaid terms and conditions, the decision of Cox amp Kings shall be final and binding upon you. We reserve the right to change the Terms amp Conditions any time without any prior notice and without assigning any reasons thereof. Looking for similar experts like Nishi Forex amp Leisure Pvt. Ltd. Services Offered Air travel agents, Foreign exchange amp money transfer services, Corporate group insurance, Car insurance, Personal insurance, Home insurance, More Travel insurance, Two wheeler insurance, Commercial vehicle insurance, Mobile phone insurance. Commercial insurance 91 80 48042941 Pradeep Kumar No. 536, Ground Floor, Amar Jyothi Layout, 100 Feet Intermediate Ring Road, Domlur, Bangalore - 560071 Landmark: OPPOSITE Dell pradeep. mnishiforex nishiforex/ Monday - Saturday. 9.30 AM - 6 PM Save to phone o revolutionize Indias Forex amp Travel market with insightful and creative solutions for each traveller. To offer every customer a stimulating blend of friendliness and professionalism while serving their needs to generate very happy customers. 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Our spirit will guide us, keep us focused and enable us to reach beyond. Technology Services: Nishi Forex has the most up-to-date technology available. Having tied up with leaders in the Forex amp Travel domain for providing real time data, Nishi Forex can deliver the maximum worth for your money and time. The ultimate aim of technology is to give you the freedom to focus on your core activities. It is to this end we leverage technology towards your benefit. Nishi Forex harness the latest technologies, which helps take your business to the very forefront, working with leading technology and integration partners, Nishi Forex has the sprit and creativity that showcase energy, enthusiasm and vivacity. Nishi Forex team demonstrates the willingness to go the extra mile to ensure your complete satisfaction. About Management: Nishi Forex management team comes with an excellent track record of successfully managing varied forex exchange and travel needs. 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Extensive Industry Interface and Knowledge Management activities develop the required skill sets and industriousness. This has led to National and Multinational organizations selecting Suryadatta students through Campus Recruitment Programs. The career development cell is driven by students and placement coordinator. Suryadatta Alumni regularly meet and also accelerate the placement process. Students get the placements based on their academics, communication skills, presentation skills amp performance in selection process. Some Alumni have started their own venture after passing out from the Institute. Some Alumni have traveled abroad for further education. Big Research - Brands academy, has awarded Suryadatta Institute of Management as Best Placement for PGDM Courses in Pune at the hands of Honble Shri Pralhad Kakkar, Advertising n Brand Guru. For More Details Click Here Star Performers of Overseas Placement Suryadatta Congratulates: Miss Prerna Dalal . MBA Student on her oversea Placement at IOTAIP, Ontario, Canada Mr. Shardendu Kumar . PGDM Studnet on his overseas placement at Sievert Arabia Ltd. Dammam UAE, at CTC of Rs. 15 Lac PA Abhik Sadukan PGDM( HRIB) Disney Shipping Cruze at UK INDUSTRY INTERACTION Extensive Industry Interface and Knowledge Management activities develop the required skill sets and industriousness. This has led to National and Multinational organizations selecting Suryadatta students through Campus Recruitment Programs. INDUSTRIES Academy of Financial Training Accel Front Line A C Neilson Adept FluidynePvt Ltd Adecco India Ltd. A J Medicals Ajanta Mobile Ajcon IT. Com Ltd. Akshay Motors Pvt Ltd Allied Lemuir Ltd. 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Cirrus Technologies Ltd. CITI Bank Clarion Systems Clean Fix Services CMC CNBC Computer Junction Pvt. Ltd. Corp One Cortec Corrosion Solutions Counry Club India Ltd. Corp 1 International Cox and Kings CPM India Sales Marketing Cresent Ceasfire Industries Ltd. C. G. Corel Logic Systems Ltd. Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Data Care Corporation Deutsche Bank Dharma Software Digital Identification System Deutsche Investor Services Devson Impex Pvt. Ltd. DNS ERP Business Consulting DSK Toyota Motors Dynamic Logistics Desai Brothers Ltd. Deustche Bank AG Econ Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Eclerx Bibhu Eclerx Nayan Eclerx Edilwiess EDRL Eiffel City Ekbote Furniture Electronica Machine Tools Ltd. Electronica Finance Ernst and Young ERM Placements Eskag Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Express Point Logistic Eureka Forbes Ekbote Logs amp Lumbers Pvt. Ltd. F amp S Solutions IT company F. L. Developers FEI CARGO LTD FDC Ltd Featherlite Ltd. Fire Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. First Flight Couriers Ltd. Fortis Securities Ltd. Frankfinn FRI Forex Funfill Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Furtados Music India Pvt. Ltd Future Group (Pantaloon-Retail) Forbes Gokak Ltd. Future Generali India Future Money Force Motors Finolex Industries Ltd. Gabriel India Ltd. Ganga Retreat Countryside Garner Technologies Gaytech Engineering Pvt. Ltd GenX Infotech Genext Geojit Financial Services Ghodawat Food International Gigs Management Pvt. Ltd. Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Global Career Management Global Education amp Rural Development Society Globe Capital Market Ltd. Godrej amp Boyce Mfg. Ltd. Great Talent Track GTL Ltd. H Capital Haier Group HCL Info Systems Ltd. HDFC securities Ltd. Head Hunters Heritage Infotech Hi Pune HP (Hewlett Packard) HR Remedy Hindustan Times Hindustan Motors Ltd. Hol Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Honeycomb Relationship Mgmt. Services Hub City Hutch Ltd. HDFC Bank HDFC Standard Life Insurance Hindustan Coac-Cola Ltd. IBN Infotech ICA Pvt. Ltd. ICICI Brokerage Services ICICI Securities Ltd. IDEA Cellular Ltd. Idhasoft Tech Impact Logistics Solutions Pvt Ltd IFB Ltd. Indiacom Ltd. Industrial Engineering Corp. Indus Ind Bank Infodives Influx Mart Ltd. Infocom Network Ltd. Infomedia India Ltd. Infoedge India Ltd. ING Vyasya Life Insurance Ingram Micro India Ltd. Innovions Consulting Pvt Ltd Intigate Vivek Sharma Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Invertis Meenakshi Purohit IT Source India Tech Pvt LTD Iqara Telecom India Pvt. Ltd. ICICI Bank ICICI Direct ICICI Lombard ICICI Prudential Life Insurance ICICI Securities Limited Indiabulls Securities Limited India Bulls Ltd. India Infoline Indian Cements India Mart Ltd. India Intermesh Ltd. Infosys BPO J. K. Industries J. K. Papers J P Group Jaro education Jeevan Samruddhi Job Setu Job Smart Jubilant Organosys JWC Logistics Park Pvt. Ltd. Kaira Can Company Ltd. Kamdhenu Pickles Ltd. Karvy Securities Ltd. Kelly Services KIC Metalinks Ltd. Kinetic Engineering Klastar Hospitality Pvt Ltd Kogen X Kohil Export India Pvt. Ltd. Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. Kotak Securities KPIT Cummins Kumar Builders Ltd. L amp T Finance Laxmo Polyflex Industries Lexi Pens (I) Pvt. Ltd. LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. Lifestyle International Pvt. Ltd. Lopex Division Toro Tech Lupin Limited M Power Business Facilitators Ltd M K Enterprises Made from India Mahindra Gesco Ltd. Mahindra Holidays Manappuram General Fin. amp Leasing Ltd Mandovi Motors Pvt. Ltd. Manikchand Group Manikaran Power Ltd Medulla Recruitments Meghana Textiles Ltd. Mellon India Private Ltd. Mercedes-Benz Milton Plastics Pvt. Ltd. MIRC Electronics Ltd. (Onida) Motilal Oswal Sec. Ltd. MP Group Mphasis BPO Murugan Magazine Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Max New York Life Insurance MBO Computers Met Life India Insurance Microworld Software Services Modus Vivendi Furniture amp Lights Pvt. Ltd. Nigeria Nagarjuna Fertilizers Neel Beverages Pvt. Ltd . Netco Pharma Limited Nexus Medical Services NIIT Ltd. Nimotherm Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Nuway Pvt. Ltd. Novartis Pharmaceutical Nestle India Ltd. Next Retail India Ltd Ocean Tea Company Olmo India Om Kotak Mahindra Online India Open view Technologies Opus Info Media Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. ORBIT Outsource Partners Int. P. B. Mantra Software Co. Ltd Pan Card Club India Panchshil Realty Pantaloon Retail India Ltd. PBS Pvt. Ltd PEPSI Philips India Ltd. Phoebus Technologies Precision Technology Ltd. Primera Communication Proton Plumbins Housekeeping Pvt. Ltd. Pluto Planet M Retail (I) Ltd. Poona Hospital Ltd PPMS Networks Pvt Ltd Quality Kiosk Rangoli Ceramics Ltd. Reliance Capital Reliance Infocomm Religare Technova Religare Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. Reliquus Ventures Ricoh India Limited RK Life Space Developers Pvt. Ltd. Rohit Surfactants Pvt. Ltd. RCM Reliance Communication Reliance General Insurance Reliance Life Insurance Reliance HR Services Pvt. Ltd Reliance Retail Ltd. S. S. Investment Advisors Pvt Ltd Safal Foods Products Pvt. Ltd. Saffron Spa (Electronica Finance) Sah Petrolium Sahara India Commercial Corp. Ltd. Samarth Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Samphire Infocom Pvt. Ltd. Samruddha Jeevan Foods India Ltd. Sanghvi Movers Ltd. Satyam Computers SG Analytics Pvt. Ltd Shantha Biotechniques Ltd Share Microfin Limited Sharman Woollen Mills Ltd. Shaw Wallace Shree Cement Ltd. Shree Hospital Shree Laxminarayan Co-op. Soc. Ltd. Shriva Pumps Pvt. Ltd. Sievert India Pvt. Ltd. SMC Global Singhal Merchandise Pvt. Ltd. Singana Frame Studio Sinha Transport SKS ISPAT SKY Chem Laboratories SLK Global BPO Services SMC Consultants SNL Finance Sri Mauli Infra Standard Diagnostics Sumphire Infocom Pvt. Ltd. Sungard Survik Software Ltd. Sansoft Services Pvt. Ltd. Sharekhan Ltd. Shree Electricals SMC Insurance SMC Country Pvt. Ltd Standard Chartered Bank Syntel Sourcing Pvt. Ltd. Taj Hotel Talera Motore Pvt. Ltd. TANGENT Tata Consultancy Service Pvt. Ltd Tata Infomedia Ltd. Tata Martrade Intl. Logistics Ltd. Tata Telecom Tata Teleservices Ltd Tata Yellow Pages Team 4U Co. Ltd Techxis The Elite Suites Hotel Thomas International Publishing Company Thyrocare Diagnostics Ltd. Tier Soles India Pvt. Ltd. TIMS Foods Pvt. Ltd. Trimurthi Food Tech The Indian Kitchen Spices Ltd. China Toro Green Tech Pvt. Ltd. Trade India TSL Soft TSL Software Ultimate Vacation Pvt. Ltd. United Western Bank Ltd. Universal Construction Pvt. Ltd. UTI Bank V F Enterprises Vega Life Verve Site Viral International Victorinox India Pvt. Ltd. VIP Bags Industries Viteos VRL Logistics Vodafone Essar Co. Ltd. Venkateshwara Hatcheries Velcoity Pvt. Ltd. VSNL Wadhwa Group Way to Wealth Wide Bridge Consultants Wipro Wockhardt Ltd. WNS XL Dynamics Yelan Infra Connectors Pvt. Ltd You Telecom Zenith Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensoft India Pvt. Ltd ZF Steering India Pvt. Ltd. Zydus Cadila Blue Star Agro amp Winery India Pvt. Ltd. Home Store (India) Ltd. Horizon Sievert Arabia Ltd. 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